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After we got Ian all cleaned and bandaged up my mom decided that he would sleep on the couch and I would heat him up some dinner. Walking into the kitchen after my mom left I searched around in the fridge for the dinner she had cooked earlier. Finding a plate with tin foil over it and my name I took it, stripped off the tin foil and stuck it in the microwave to heat. Looking out the entrance of the kitchen to check on Ian I saw he was sitting up with his back tucked in the corner of the couch staring in my direction.

“Umm I’m heating up some food for you it will be a minute I hope you don’t mind.” I said in a hurry while looking back at the microwave hoping he hadn’t notice the blush creeping onto my face. Hearing the microwave go off I rushed over and popped it open. Pulling the plate out I saw my mom had made grilled chicken, broccoli and mash potatoes. Looking at the potatoes my mouth watered a little, I just love things made of potatoes they are just amazing. Grabbing a knife and fork from the drawer next to me I made my way to the living room.

I sat the plate down on the coffee table in front of Ian before I sat myself on the floor across from him.

“If you don’t want this I can always make you something else.” I offered. He shook his head and mumbled a thank you. I just smiled and crossed my arms on the table before I put my head down and stared at the mash potatoes. ‘Gosh I wish my mom would have made extra.’ Deciding that I should probably grab us both something to drink I ventured back into the kitchen and retrieved two glasses of ice, a pitcher of water and a bottle of strawberry Fanta soda. Putting everything down on the table I slide a cup of ice towards him.

“Do you want water or soda?” I asked

“Water is fine.” Nodding my head I grabbed the pitcher and shakily poured him some water then filled my own cup with soda. I sipped on my drink before resuming my original position on the floor but this time I looked around the room in boredom recommitting the room’s layout to memory. This room was one of my favorite spots besides my room of course. The room contained one couch a lazy boy next to it, a coffee table that I was currently sitting in front of which was also situated in front of the couch that Ian sat on. We had a TV that was behind me but it didn’t have any cable we just used it to watch movies or play our games.

Looking back at Ian I took a quick glance at the plate once more. He was almost done but still hadn’t touched the mashed potatoes. Standing up I looked down on him

“It’s really late so you can stay the night and sleep on the couch. I’ll go get you some blankets and a pillow.”  I rushed out of the room and made my way to the hall closet that held all of our spare blankets and pillows. Grasping a pillow I tucked it under my arm and then yanked a knitted quilt out of the stacks of blankets. When the tower teetered I leaned my side against the blankets and quickly closed the door while slipping out. I heard the blankets knock into the door smiling at my little accomplishment I strolled back to my guest who was casually lounging on my couch with his shoes neatly placed next to the couch and his whole body tucked onto the average sized couch. Because of his tallness his feet hung slightly over the armrest of the couch. He had to at least be 6’2 or 6’3 but then again I am kind of short so he could be shorter. I handed him the pillow and when he was situated I unfolded the quilt and covered him up.

“Thanks but I don’t need you babying me I’m capable of covering myself.” He added before rolling over to face the back of the couch I smiled sheepishly at his back and began to collect all the dishes was left over from his dinner. When I reached for the plate I saw that he hadn’t touched the mash potatoes.

“Are you done eat?” I asked in slight confusion

“Hn. You can have what is left.” He mumbled into the couch. Beaming I whispered a small thank you before I took a hold of the fork he had previously used and gobbled down the food. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I started eating but deciding it was too late to be making more food I settled for what I had just consumed. After finishing the little food I had ate I continued cleaning up and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes before going to sleep. On my trip to my room I glanced at Ian one more time I noticed he was fast asleep from seeing him relaxed and hearing his light snores.

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