Emily's Perspective and Emergencies

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Ian's POV

Shocked, I stand there like an idiot for a few seconds, then I'm running back into the house and grabbing my keys from the coffee table. 

I'm so following that little Nerd! Does she actually think she can get away from me like that?

As I take off down the street in pursuit of the silver car, I'm thinking daggers at her, pissed at how she keeps lying to me, furious at whomever hurt her small, defenseless, broken body and how cute she looked as she sat on...

Wait, what? Again?? No! I'm mad at her!! F**k cute. I do not believe in cute!! Sexy, hot, fine, smoking.... those are the words I use!! God...

Lost in my thoughts, I almost passed the car I'm trying to tail. I slow down, but not much as the car is flying past all of the other cars on the streets. Suddenly, Emily's car makes a left turn across traffic. I look up and see where we are. Oh, S**t. This cannot be good.

Emily's POV

"How am I going to get out of explaining this to him", I keep chanting over and over in my head.

  A loud thump beside me gets my attention as Ian throws down the First Aid Kit between us. Wordlessly, he starts cleaning me up, but I know he hasn't forgotten.

As he dabs at my cuts, I couldn't help but think, "How is it that he is so gentle when he wants to be, but is so hardhearted and cold the rest of the time?"

As Ian places the last bandage on my forehead, he looks in my eyes and i see questions in their depths. his mouth opens and...

The front door opens. Oh, god. who could that be? Simon? Lexi?

Oh, please don't let it be Lexi....

Officially terrified, I run, jump and land behind the couch as I hear footsteps coming towards us.

I heard this deep voice speaking to Ian.

Thank God it's not Lexi.

The voice is authoritative, like my dad's could be when he got mad or expected to be heard. But, it sounded like it was forced... there was too much assertiveness in there...

Did my phone just go off? Whatever, i'll deal with it later.

I started listening more intently on the words being said while Ian responded in a lazy, yet abnormally and curiously blank tone.

"I bet you have a girl over." The man said.

Oh God. He saw me... Ok, don't panic, everything will be alright....

Lies. All lies. I am so screwed....

At that thought, I accidentally squeaked. knowing I was caught, I bounded up, ready to face whatever was thrown my way... yeah right! I tried to get up and smashed my head against the couch, thus adding to my lovely collection of bruises, scratches and cuts.

Finally on my feet, I see a man who's an older image of Ian... sort of. he's got something about him that's like Ian, but what....

"Now what have we here", came the voice that jerked me out of my thoughts. His voice was smooth and was said with a curious glint in his eyes. As he reached towards my face, like Ian sometimes does, a hand comes out of nowhere and slaps it back down. Ian looks like he could fry the man in front of us with just his eyes.

"Hello, sweetheart. I'm Robert Fulton. Who might you be?"

Oh, so this must be his dad... wait, sweetheart? What? Where does that come into play?

Checking Ian once again, who is still glaring daggers at his father, yet looking my way periodically, I return the handshake that is offered to me by this strange man and tell him who I am

Then he kissed my hand.

What the hell? First sweetheart and now he's kissing me?

Next thing I know, my hand is being ripped violently out of Robert's hand by a very angry Ian. "Don't touch her, you dirty old man!" he snarls as he unconscionably steps in front of me.

Dirty, old man? Ok, what am I missing here??

"Oh well, I'll probably never get answers", I thought as I watched Mr. Fulton climb up the stairs after giving me a seductive smile and a wink.

Disgusting pedophile. Doesn't he know I'm 16?

Completely out of the blue, I'm being pulled down by my arm. Not wanting to land in Ian's lap, I fall awkwardly to the side of him.

  Looking him over quickly, I decide Ian kind of looks like his father. I voice my thoughts to him. All I get is a sarcastic snort and him denying it.

Seeming to relax a little bit more, Ian leaned back and stretched his arms out across the back of the couch. Then he started asking questions. Questions I still wasn't prepared to answer.

Stalling, I shift my focus to the ground. What the hell, let's give him the classic response. I don't think its a good idea to tell him yet anyhow....

"I fell...", I mumbled. "I'm always klutzy..."

"I'm not the floor, nerd. You have to look at me when you talk to me."

Cussing in my head, I slowly shift my focus back to him and repeat myself.

"I know your a klutz", he states obviously. "But I doubt you can bust yourself that bad just from falling all over the place."

"You don't know that. Besides, that's what happened", I tried asserting, but it sounded false, even to my own ears. Ian just scowled.

  When he mentioned "cat fight" in his response to me, I got really embarrassed and nervous and kinda tittered a little at his comment.

My phone vibrated in my pocket again.... Oh right, I hadn't checked it yet.

Looking at it quickly while muttering a response to him, I felt my blood run cold.

Oh God.


No no no no no no no.....

This cannot be happening. Without thinking, I threw myself towards the front door and start running as fast as my feet will carry me, praying that I won't fall or trip over my own feet.

Seeing Rose's familiar Silver Jetta, I bolt for the backseat, not really sensing Ian's pursuit of me as I dive into the backseat and scream, "Go!!" to the driver.

Remembering Ian long enough, I glance back at him as he stands there, open-mouthed and gaping. That's going to be a problem.

Re-focusing on the more important things, I holler, "Faster!" to Rose even though she is already going more than 20mph over the posted speed limit and the ride is getting rough.

"I'm going, hunny! I'm going!!"

After a particularly sharp left turn, Rose screeches to a stop and I throw myself out of the car as fast as I can.

Glancing up at the familiar white walls and dark windows, I barrel towards the doors of the hospital.

"Please, please be ok", I pray frantically.

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