Lost Phones

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As I sat waiting for the bus at the bus stop, I pulled my feet up onto the bench than rubbed my cheeks against my jean-clad knees. Ian had stuck to his true nature he had made me feel as though I was stupid. I ran my finger through my hair and gripped it lightly growling in frustration as I remembered what had happened.

When Ian had pulled my face towards his and my eyes had fluttered closed I don’t know what I was expecting, but as I felt his breath on my face, my cheeks slowly began the familiar burning of a blush. The next thing I knew he had chuckled.

 “Did you actually think I was actually going to kiss you nerd?” he whispered in my ear.

I froze and my eyes shot open as the bell rung loud and clear in my ears. He just casually got up out of his seat and strolled away.

After that had happened the girls from my class had walked past me and said things. I didn’t really pay attention to what they had to say, I was sure it they were cruel words anyways, because I was shell shocked. I couldn’t believe I had stupidly let him tease me like that.

The rest of the day kind of flew by for me after that. Now I’m just sitting and waiting for the bus to come. I’m happy to be heading home so I can plan my way of avoiding Ian for the rest of my life. I know how to deal with the normal bullying, calling me names, tripping me, and messing up my locker and other stuff, but this kind of thing I don’t know how to deal with. I also don’t want to know how to deal with Ian either.

The bus pulled up and I clambered onto my feet and hurried onto the bus. I flashed my bus pass and rushed to the back of the bus through all the people. I gripped the iron pole and looked around the packed bus.

I always loved riding the bus. Most people probably don’t but it always has so many different people on it and I truly enjoy watching them or just simply looking. Sitting on the left of me is a little old woman knitting something. She looked sweet with her snow white tightly curled hair. Then there is the old man sitting next to her stealing little glances at her.

Looking around some, more I see something that surprises me. I’ve never seen someone like this person. A boy sat closer to the door of the bus bobbing his head to the music I assume he is listening to from his headphones. The thing that surprised me about him how much he stands out. I try to angle my body to get a better look at the boy.

He casually sits there with a hat that has profanity on it reading “B**ch!” with five piercings in his face. One of them is on the left side of his nose the other four are around his mouth, three of them are round the other seems to be a ring. He has a light skin tone with black floppy hair and a streak of dirty blond on the left side of his hair. His ears though defiantly throw me off. He had these plug type neon green things in his ears that stretch them bigger than a normal ear. I winced lightly and gingerly touched my own ear at the thought of my ears being stretched like that. The guy eventually looks up and I snap my head in the opposite direction, my face burns from the embarrassment of being caught staring.

The bus comes to a stop. People begin to pile out of the bus so I use this opportunity to take a sneaky glance at the boy again just to see he is gone. Sighing I cling tighter to the pole. He was probably the most interesting person I have seen to this day.

Where I come from, I have never seen someone that looks like that before. Looking up again, I check to make sure he is gone this time I notice that there was a green phone left on the seat. Without bothering to think about it, I make my way over to the phone and pick it up. I flip the phone over so the screen faces me. It seems to be a LG Rumor. It looks beaten and worn as if it has been dropped a few too many times.

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