Hospitalization and Questions

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Emily's POV

  Pacing the hallway, well, the ten feet in front of madison's room, I am cursing the daycare she was placed in. Everyone in there knew she was allergic to peanuts-- fatally. Somehow she got peanut butter into her system (we knew it was peanut butter is because it was smeared all over her face) and went into an anaphylactic shock, thus resulting in her going to the hospital, very fast. I think the ambulance broke every speeding law to get her there as quickly as they did. 

Rose had to go to work, so she couldn't even stick around to see how Maddi was.

"Stop pacing already. Jeez, your making me nervous", came an arrogant, yet worried remark.

Yes, Ian was here and surprisingly didn't give me as much grief as I had suspected for just leaving him the way that I did.

"I can't help it!" I shot back. I'd been pacing for hours... or what felt like hours. Mom had left to find a docter and get some answers for us. She was already here when Maddi was brought in as she was working the afternoon shift today. 

Saying Mom was on edge was a little bit of an understatement.

"Come on, Brad! We both know that's a load of absolute crap! Tell me how my daughter is!" Mom hollered through the hospital.

"Hun, we both know I can't say anything..." the doctor's voice trailed off. I growled under my breath as mom gave this kind of angry shriek.

"I've never seen you mom so... riled before. She sure can be a force of nature.", Ian commented after a minute.

"Yeah, I know. And this is her trying to hold it together..."


My "yeah" was drowned out by someone screaming my name.

Looking around, at first I see nothing, then I'm being engulfed in this massive bear hug by... Well, I don't know, I can't see past the boobs my face is suddenly buried in. I feel like I've been in this situation before.

When the arms finally pull away, I look up to see Carly, Ethan's friend I had met so long ago.

"Hi, Carly," I murmur looking down, unsure what to do. I've only seen her once, but somehow, I'm oddly at ease in her embrace which she suddenly pulls me back into.

"Nick! Nick, look! It's Emily!!" Carly squeals to the man behind her. "Aww! Your just as cute as you were last time!"

As Carly gushed over how small and precious I still am, I felt arms tear us apart. Then, they were replaced by a very large, wide chest and two massive arms that are more like steel than flesh.

"Hey, cutie! Been a while, hasn't it?" Nick hooted in my ear.

"Yeah, it has", I replied softly, not mentioning that between the both of their hugs, i was really really sore from... well, I'm just not going to think about it...

Lifting me up like last time, he gave a quick squeeze, then put me down and backed away, his face practically shining in the joy of seeing me again which was quickly replaced by intense concern and anger as his eyes took in my face and arms.

"What the hell happened!?" he exclaimed.

"Oh, Emily!" Carly gasped. "What happened to you? Who did this?"

Ian, who had been practically left on the sidelines, suddenly perked up and evaluated my face as I struggled to answer.

"I... I... I fell, that's all..." I stuttered.

Carly's lips pressed together. "Oh, really?" She simply asked.

"Y... Ye-yeah."

"Your a horrible liar", Nick stated. "Who did this to you? What happened? We want the truth, Emily."

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