Chapter 1: New Year's Eve

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I've never enjoyed parties, mainly because of the loud people and the alcohol. But my outgoing friend, Georgia, dragged me to a New Year's Eve party to be her designated driver, as I don't drink. I was dreading going to the party, but I have to admit that I did enjoy getting dressed up with Georgia. She was beautiful, funny, and popular, and she had been my best friend since elementary school. We were even planning to go to Europe together during spring break in four months.

"Charlie, hurry up in there! I still have to curl your hair and we need to leave in half an hour!" Georgia demanded while I was using the bathroom. She always wanted to be prompt.

"Okay, okay, I'm out! But do you really have to curl my hair? I think it's fine", I replied. My medium length brown hair was fairly straight and also fairly boring.

"Oh come on, it'll look so great! Maybe it'll attract a cute boy!" I've never had a boyfriend, and honestly I was a bit jealous of Georgia because she always had guys hanging around her.

I reluctantly allowed Georgia to curl my hair, and soon we were driving to the house party.


This is not my idea of a fun night. There were drunk teenagers everywhere, looking for a quick hookup and waiting for midnight. We had only been at the house for 20 minutes but I was already bored. The host, a jock named William, was playing beer pong with another guy and surrounding them were dozens of girls in skimpy dresses.

"Jack, you gotta beat him!" said a blonde girl holding two cans of beer.

"Hmm, if I win, will you kiss me at midnight?" Jack responded.

"Of course," she said with a wink.

Drunk teenagers are so annoying.

"Charlie, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you," Georgia said as she stumbled toward me.

"You found me! Do we really have to stay until midnight? It's so boring."

"Darling, we need to find you a guy and then it won't be so boring! You have to kiss someone at midnight, and it's not going to be William's golden retreiver again this year." I can't believe she still remembered that; she was so drunk last year that I was sure she had forgotten.

"I really don't want to kiss some drunk stranger!" Maybe I should drink, it might be more fun than standing awkwardly in the corner. But who am I kidding, I would never drink underage.

"What about that cute blond guy over there? He doesn't seem drunk and oh my god, can you see those eyes?! They're as blue as the ocean. Seriously though, Charlie, talk to him before I do!"

"There is no way I'm talking to him. Now go have fun before I drag you out of here! And don't get too drunk - I don't want you to throw up in my car again." A few weeks ago, I was Georgia's designated driver for a party at someone's cabin in West Virginia, and she drank so much beer that she threw up.

"Oh hush, I know what I can handle! But I think Ocean Eyes is coming over to you!" She walked away with a smile on her face and another drink in her hand.

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