Chapter 5: Art Class

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My high school is full of preppy trust-fund kids who have nothing better to do than party and do drugs. It's not that I don't like school - the building itself is newly renovated and the teachers really care - I just don't like the students. My first period is art class, which I'm only taking because I need an art credit to receive an advanced diploma when I graduate. I really hate the class because I'm terrible at drawing.

As I sat down in my seat, I watched the other students talk to each other about how awesome their winter breaks were. Some went skiing in Colorado, others went to New York City. I was startled when I saw a tall blond boy walk in. Niall.

"Well hello there, Charlie. I knew we would see each other!" He said cheerfully. How could someone be so happy on a Monday morning?

"Oh, hi Niall. Why are you in art? You could've taken guitar or a class that is actually fun."

"Yeah, I wanted to take guitar, but it was full. And now I get to see you every morning." His smile was perfect.

"But is that really a good thing?" I asked with a smile. Am I flirting? I can't possibly be flirting. I mean, I don't like Niall like that... right?

"Ahh, of course it is," he said with a wink as the bell starting ringing, signaling the start of first period.

"Okay, you should probably sit down now. Class has started." And people were staring at us. I don't normally talk to the attractive new student from Ireland, and I hated having their eyes on me.

"Welcome back, everyone. I hope you all had a great winter break. Now please sit down. And yes, Mr. Thomasson, that means you too," my teacher, Mrs. Jensen, ordered from the front of the classroom. Jack Thomasson was talking with a bunch of girls, who were all vying for his attention. How pathetic.

"So class, this semester we will be working on still lifes. You will pick a place to sit around the objects that I have set up and you will draw what you see. The final drawing will count as 20 percent of your grade, so take your time and make it good. I have to take attendance so please sit quietly for a few minutes." I looked around the room to see a large table covered in objects like plants, bottles, and books. Chairs were arranged around the table, so I guess those will be our new seats. I really hope Niall doesn't sit next to me. But it would be pretty nice if he did.

"Alright, it looks like everyone is here! But we have a new student. Mr. Horan, would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Um, okay. Thank you Mrs. Jensen. So, uh, I'm Niall Horan. And yeah, I'm from Ireland." While he was speaking, I looked around the room at everyone's faces. I knew that a few of the girls were wishing they could get to know him. If they only knew about me...

"And with that, let's get started on the still lifes! Pick a seat around the table and I'll hand out the paper, drawing pencils, and erasers."

I tried to pick a seat away from Niall, but he immediately moved next to me.

"So Charlie, what are you going to draw?" His smile was so adorable.

"I was thinking about drawing the three books and the Coke bottle." They seem easy enough for me. "What about you?"

"The small plant and the bird statue. I like challenges." I wish I could hear his laugh for the rest of my life.

"Good luck with that, it looks pretty hard. We should probably stop talking, Mrs. Jensen is coming and she doesn't like us to talk while we work."

"Just one more question: what do you have for second period?"

"English Lit with Mrs. Alexander." I really hope we're not in the same class.

"So do I! Looks like we'll be able to talk more," he said with a smirk. Oh no, I'm supposed to talk to Georgia about Niall in Lit. I guess we'll have to talk after school. For some reason, I really don't want Niall to meet Georgia. Something could go very wrong.

Throughout the remainder of art class, I kept glancing sideways at him. He looked so perfect when he was focused on drawing. I can't possibly be falling for him, but I think I might  want to.


By the time the bell rang for the end of class, I had only drawn a terrible outline of one book. There is no way that I can finish this whole thing within a few weeks. I looked over at Niall's and saw that he had almost finished with the bird statue, and it looked so real. He was an amazing artist.

"Jealous of my talent?" He startled me.

"No, not at all. But that really is beautiful. You never mentioned that you could draw so well," I said as I packed up my things.

"I couldn't give away all my secrets on New Years! Hurry up, Charlie, I really don't want you to make me late to Lit. That would tarnish my golden reputation." I am falling in love with his smile.

"Hold on, I'm almost ready. Okay let's go. Do you even know where Mrs. Alexander's room is?" We walked out of the room talking, and I noticed a few of the girls staring at us. How unusual it must seem to them that I have another friend besides Georgia.

"No, I don't, but I figured you could be my guide," he said with a smirk.

My school has two levels, and each subject has classrooms in a certain section. The fine arts classes are near the front entrance and the English classes are in back of the second floor. We have a long way to walk, so hopefully I can keep the conversation going.

"So, um, my friend Georgia has Lit with us. I guess I can formally introduce you guys."

"That would be great. She looks fun. But I don't think that you're not fun, too."

"Niall, it's okay. I know I'm not fun. I think that's why Georgia keeps me around; she needs a calm person to hang out with once in a while."

"Hmm, speaking of that, do you want to hang out sometime?" I could see that he was blushing, and that made me blush, too. I have never been asked out and I wasn't really expecting him to ask me this way.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I looked around the hallway to avoid looking at him.

"Okay, awesome. I'm busy tonight, but maybe tomorrow after school?"

"No, I can't tomorrow. I have to work from 5 to 10." I work a few days a week part time at a local bookstore. It's pretty boring but I get paid $8 an hour and it helped my resume.

"Maybe Friday night would be better? And where do you work?"

"Yeah, I think Friday could work. Just text me though, since you already have my number. I work at Too Many Books on Jefferson Street."

"Cool. I think I see Georgia up ahead." He was right. Georgia was standing by Mrs. Alexander's room.

"Hello, darling. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages! Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Georgia asked. She liked to wear her best clothes to school, so she was wearing a long sleeved Lilly Pulitzer shirt, jeans, and brown Tory Burch riding boots.

"Oh, yeah. This is Niall, we met at William's party. He just moved here from Ireland."

"Hello, Georgia. It's nice to finally meet you in person. Charlie has told only the best about you." He was so polite.

"Ah, I'm flattered. Let's get to class before the bell rings! I'm sorry, Niall, but I must sit on Charlie's right." Georgia had this weird thing where people she liked had to sit on her left, so that everyone could see her right side. Apparenty that was her good side, although I though either side was fine. Georgia was basically perfect.

"Alright, looks like I'll sit over here," he said as he sat in the desk to my left.

The bell instantly rang, so Mrs. Alexander closed the door and started talking.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy it :) Please leave any comments/suggestions or find me on twitter at @srsly5SOS. I wanted to get more chapters written before winter break ends, so it might be a few days before I'm able to add another chapter. Thanks again for reading!

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