Chapter 2: Ocean Eyes

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Ocean Eyes was walking towards me and I couldn't think of anything to do or say, so I looked at the ground. I could tell that he was getting closer and my heart started beating faster. Attractive boys don't usually pay any attention to me. No one really pays attention to me.

"Hello there," he said to me in a slurred Irish accent.

"Hi," I replied as I looked up to his face. I'm 5' 9", but he was still inches taller than me.

"I'm Niall, what's your name?"


"Well you're not much of a talker," he said as he laughed. His accent is so interesting and his laugh is adorable.

"I like to talk, just not to strangers. I've never seen you at school, did William invite you?" My town, in Albemarle County, Virginia, has only one high school with one thousand students, so William always invites people from other high schools.

"I'm actually new here. I'll be going to Thomas Jefferson High School."

"Oh, that's cool. So why did you come over here, just to talk to me?"

"I dunno, because you weren't drinking and everyone else is." I can't believe even he noticed that.

"Is that surprising or something? I don't drink because I'm not 21. It's not a big deal."

"Wow, you're such a good girl. I like that."

"Um, okay."

"Look, Charlie, I came over here because I wanted to have a conversation with you. But now I see that you're not very interested."

"Well sorry, I'm not used to people wanting to talk to me. If you really want to talk to me, let's go outside. It should be quieter since it's cold out there."

"Sounds great, you lead."


I sat down on one of the chairs, so that he would have to sit across from me instead of next to me. I still couldn't tell if he was genuinely nice or if he wanted to hook up with me.

"So Charlie, tell me about yourself."

"What is this, an interview? I'm almost 18, I'm here because my friend Georgia brought me as her designated driver, and I hate parties."

"How can you hate this party? William has graciously provided everyone with cheap booze and loud music. It's like paradise here." I just stared at him.

"You know I'm kidding, right?" he added with a smirk.

"Yes, I can tell when someone is joking. So now you get to tell me about you."

"Hmm, where to start? I'm already 18, I've been living in Mullingar, Ireland, and I can play the guitar pretty well. Oh, and I'm single." Why did he add that fact? Is he interested in me? Had he been flirting? I've never had a guy flirt with me, so I don't really know anything about flirting.

"I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar." Oh shit, I think I might be flirting. Where is Georgia when I need her? She would know exactly what to say to him.

"Well I could teach you, but I have one favor to ask first."

"Um, okay, what?"

"Can I kiss you when it's midnight? You know, for good luck." Oh. Shit. This is bad, I really need Georgia right now. Hopefully he can't see me blushing.

"You want to kiss... me?" No guy has ever seemed interested in me, and now this tall, attractive boy wants to kiss me in ten minutes.

"Yeah I want to kiss you. Why, is that a problem?" How should I respond to that? I've never even kissed anyone before.

"Um, well, I don't really know you."

"You know enough about me! Come on, don't be such a goody little two shoes." What would Georgia do?! Georgia would definitely kiss him.

"Alright, fine. But it's just for good luck."

"Right, just for good luck," he said as he winked at me.

We walked together in silence inside the house where everyone was. I could see Georgia had picked out her guy for the night, a tall boy with curly hair, wearing a leather jacket. Sometimes Georgia liked to pick the "bad boys." She said it made her get more attention, but I've never understood that.

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