Chapter 4: The Secret

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"Time to go, darling. It's much to loud in here." Georgia was right; people were screaming along to the music blaring from the huge speakers. After midnight, William's parties always got crazy.

"Okay, but who is your curly haired friend?" I asked, not actually caring about the answer. He would be gone in a week anyways, maybe even less.

"His name is Henry, or maybe Harry. I've already forgotten and it wasn't really important. He was too boring for me anyways. Now follow me, it's easy to get lost in this crowd!" I followed Georgia out the door and into my car, a silver SUV - nothing special. In the car, I turned on the music to a local radio station that was playing an overplayed pop song and started to drive to Georgia's house.

"So tell me, Charlie, how was your night? I saw that you were talking to Ocean Eyes before we left."

"Yeah, we talked for most of the party. His name is Niall." Thankfully it was dark and she couldn't see my smile when I said his name.

"Niall? That doesn't sound American."

"He's Irish! His mom is from Virginia and they just moved back here. Pretty cool, huh?"

"Yeah, maybe we can go to Ireland on our trip! I hear the pubs are splendid." Georgia always used words like "splendid" and "darling," as if she were British or from another century, but that's what I like about her.

"Well maybe we can, let's talk about this another time. So did you kiss Harry or whoever at midnight?" Shit, I shouldn't have asked that. Now she's going to ask me.

"Yes, unfortunately I did. He's not a very good kisser. What about you, dear? Did you find an actual boy this year?" I was right. How can I confess that I kissed Niall?

"Um, I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh, Charlie, that means you did kiss someone! And you must tell me who."

"Okay, fine. But you really can't tell anyone else. Please, Georgia. It has to remain secret"

"I have been loyal to you for more than a decade! Of course I can keep a secret." I don't believe her.

"Niall. I kissed Niall." Thank God we were almost at her house - I won't have to talk to her again until school starts next week. And thank God she couldn't see me blush.

"Charlie, oh my god, no way! Ocean Eyes?! You kissed Ocean Eyes?! I am so proud of you, darling." She's proud of me? I wasn't expecting that reaction.

"Oh, well thanks, I guess? I'll see you at school next week. Good night, Georgia," I said as I unlocked the door.

"Goodbye, my dear. I can't wait to see you in second period, we have so much to talk about," she said as she got out of my car. I waved goodbye to her and drove off towards home. We have English Literature together during second period, a class I will now be dreading.


Once at home, I walked quietly into my bedroom, in fear of waking up my parents. They knew I was at William's party with Georgia, but I didn't want to disturb them. I took off my party dress and flats and changed into my pajamas. I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly, the heavy makeup running down the drain. The clock read 1:30 AM as I slipped into bed. Here, alone and in privacy, I let my mind wander. Was I into Niall, or did I like him just as a friend? It seemed like we could be friends. But his eyes and his accent were so alluring, like I could talk to him forever. No, we will be just friends. My last thoughts before drifting off to sleep were about his eyes as blue as the ocean.


I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing at 10 AM the next morning. Who would be texting me now? I mainly text only Georgia.

*Hello, Good Charlotte!*

Shit. How did he get my number? If Georgia gave it to him, I swear...

"Charlie, it's time for breakfast! Happy New Year, kiddo," my dad shouted from the hallway. I guess I'll have to deal with Niall's text later.

When I reached the kitchen, my mom excitedly said, "Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!" I replied. I could smell bacon cooking on the stove and the cinnamon rolls baking in the oven. My family's traditional New Year's Day breakfast is bacon, cinnamon rolls, and fruit. It's one of my favorite traditions.

"So, Charlie, how was the party last night?" My dad asked while he set the table.

"Um, it was fine. A little too loud but not bad." There's no way that I could ever tell my parents about Niall.

"How was Georgia? Did she get home safely?" My mom questioned from the kitchen.

"Yeah, she's fine. But she probably won't wake up until noon." After a party, Georgia typically sleeps all morning and then gets ready to hang out at someone's house to party again. It's a vicious cycle that I've never undertsood.

"Well, that's Georgia! Okay, breakfast is ready. Come sit at the table."

We all sit down and start eating the traditional New Year's Day breakfast.

"Mom, the cinnamon rolls are so great today, thanks!" My younger sister is such a suck up.

We have meaningless conversation until the topic goes to the inevitable - college. My number one choice is the University of Virginia, where my parents attended and met. It's been my dream school since I was little, and I find out if I'm accepted in a few weeks.

"Charlie, dear, I want you to notify all your aunts and uncles when you get your acceptance letter! They've been asking about it for the past three months!" My mom is positive that I will get in, although I'm not too sure. There's always an application that's better.

"Okay, mom. You've only been telling me that for the past three months. Since I'm finished eating, may I be excused?" I should probably text Niall back soon.

"Yes, but make sure you take your plate and wash it in the sink," my dad demands.

When I reach my room, I find my black and white cat, Sadie, sleeping on my bed. She loves to sleep on the pile of clothes on my bed, although I actually hate it. I should clean my room, my parents always need to have an organized house.

I take my phone and click on Niall's text to respond.

*How did you get my number?*

He texts back almost instantly.

*Well happy new year to you too. I can't reveal my sources.*

I read his text in his Irish accent. Ahh, it's so magical.

*Sorry, happy new year. But really, how did you get my number? Georgia?*

*I really can't tell you, sorry love.*

Is "love" an Irish thing? Whatever it is, it made my heart beat faster.

*Fine, be that way. See you at school... maybe.*

*I think you will. Have a nice day, Charlie.*

I really hope I see him at school.

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