Chapter 3: Good Luck Kiss

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The countdown had started on the television: 60 seconds until the ball dropped, signaling the start of the new year. Thankfully Georgia was too busy with the curly haired guy to notice me with Niall. I was so nervous about kissing him; a million thoughts were going through my head. What if I'm a bad kisser? I hope the kiss doesn't last long. What if Georgia sees me with Niall? She would embarrass me so much. Do I truly want to kiss Niall, even though I hardly know him? He's cute and pretty charming. I hope my parents don't find out about the kiss - they expect me to always be on my best behavior, and kissing a stranger isn't very good.

30 seconds

"I don't know if I can go through with this," I told Niall.

"It's just a kiss! Relax, it'll be fine. It's for good luck, nothing more."

20 seconds

Can I really do this? What if his lips taste like alcohol? That would be gross. Where do I put my hands?

15 seconds

"Charlie, I can tell that you're nervous. But it's okay. Wait, is this, like, your first kiss?"

"Um, no," I answered as I averted my eyes.

"You're a bad liar, you know that? We don't have to do this."

"No, it's okay. Just one good luck kiss. I can do it."

"Okay good, because it's almost time!"

Everyone at the party yelled in unison, "FIVE... FOUR... THREE... TWO... ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

He pulled my face towards his and kissed me. I felt energized by his kiss, like I wanted more.

Like I didn't want to be a good girl any longer.

"See, that wasn't so bad," he told me after we kissed, "Now we will both have a lucky new year."

"Yeah it was fine," I lied. It was more than fine; it was amazing.

"So, um, do you want to leave this party and... get to know each other a little more?" he asked shyly.

"Well normally I would love to go off with some guy I hardly know and just kissed, but I have to stay until Georgia leaves."

"Damn, well let's go outside and talk." He seems really eager to talk to me, but why? I'm so boring and ordinary.

"Um, yeah, okay," and we began to walk outside again.

"So Charlie, is that short for something?" Why does everyone I meet have to ask that?

"Yeah, my real name is Charlotte but I've pretty much always gone by Charlie. My dad wanted a boy but my mom loved the name Charlotte, so it's a compromise." The story of my nickname is so boring.

"I might just have to call you Charlotte. Maybe even Good Charlotte, you know, like the band. And because you don't do anything bad."

"Please just call me Charlie. You hardly even know me so I think it's a little unfair to assume that!" Just because I don't drink and I hadn't kissed anyone until tonight doesn't mean I don't do anything bad. But who am I kidding, I really am a good girl. And I hate it.

"Okay, okay, Charlie it is. Wanna hear why I'm named Niall? Of course you do. So basically, my family is from Ireland and Niall is a classic Irish name. My mom is actually from Virginia, so that's why we just moved here. She said the Irish accent was driving her crazy." But his accent was so enticing.

"I've never met someone from Ireland. But that's cool, Georgia and I are actually traveling to Europe during spring break." Traveling the world is my dream, and I can't help myself from telling everyone about our trip.

"Who knew Good Charlotte was so cool?!" He said as he laughed.

"Seriously, Niall, don't call me that."

"Okay, okay, I won't. But that trip sounds awesome. Are you sure you won't need a muscular lad like myself to protect you ladies?" His cheeky smile is so cute. Oh no, did I really just think that?! I can't possibly like him.

"No, I think we'll be good. Georgia's older brother is actually coming with us." James is also bringing his girlfriend, Katie. It's the only way my parents would let me go. After all, Georgia and I are young women with no traveling experience.

"Ahh, I see. Well, Charlie, it was nice getting to know you. I think Georgia is trying to get your attention." I looked up and I saw her hanging over the balcony, shouting something I can't make out and waving her arms.

"Looks like it's time for me to go. Thanks for making tonight a bit more interesting."

"Anytime, Charlie. Maybe we'll have some classes at school." Ugh, his smile is perfect.

"Yeah, maybe." And with that, I raced up the stairs into the house to find Georgia. Before I closed the door behind me, I looked down to see Niall smiling at the ground. I couldn't help but thinking that I like him and he might like me. What a weird night.

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