Chapter 7: Dinner

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Once I got home, I took a short nap. School had worn me out. I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing.

*Hello, darling. Shall I come over for dinner at 7?* Georgia was even fancy over text.

*Yup! Mom is making chicken alfredo.*

*Perfect. We have many things to talk about after we eat (hint hint)* Niall. She still wants to talk about Niall.


"Mr. and Mrs. Burton, good evening. Thank you so much for having me over," Georgia said when she arrived for dinner.

"Sweetheart, you know you're always welcome. Now come to the table, dinner is almost ready!" My mom told her.

As we walked to the dinning room, I was dreading the talk we would have after dinner. Does she think we're, like, dating? She saw us walking together to Lit. Should I mention texting him? Better yet, should I accuse her of giving my number to Niall? I really do want to know how he got it.

As we ate, we had polite dinner conversations until the dreaded topic came up: college. Georgia wants to go to a private university or even an Ivy League. I think she doesn't realize how much free time she won't have at a serious school. The University of Virginia is a great school with academic and social opportunities. I really hope I get in...

I was brought back to reality when Georgia poked me.

"Charlie, shall we go to your room and chat?"

"Um, yeah. Thanks for dinner, mom."

"Yes, thank you so much Mrs. Burton. It was delicious!"

"You're very welcome, Georgia. Tell us goodbye before you leave!" And with that, Georgia and I went to my room.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Charlie." Where do I even begin?!

"Uh, well, first of all, Niall and I are just friends."

"Darling, could you not see the way he looked at you throughout all of Lit? He simply adores you." I immediately blushed. How could a boy like me? There were tons of much prettier and more fun girls at my school.

"This isn't something to be embarrassed about, Charlie. Just relax. He seems very charming, and he definitely isn't like the boys I date. Which is a good thing for you!" She was right; I was definitely embarrassed about her comment and I wasn't into the "bay boys."

"But... I just don't know. I've never had a boyfriend before, much less a boy like me as more than a friend. Are you sure he likes me that way?" I found myself hoping that he did.

"It's so obvious! Has he asked you to hang out or anything?"

"Yeah he has, on Friday. I don't really want to though."

"Charlie, you must! If a guy - especially a cute guy like Niall - shows interest in you, you should be polite and accept his invitations!"

"Ugh, but I think I just want to be his friend."

"You think you want to be friends? Come on, darling. You either know or you don't! And I can tell by your face that you want to be more than friends. It's really nothing to be embarrassed about, so stop blushing! Niall is cute and sweet and charming and did I mention cute? He's perfect for you." Perfect for me?! No way.

"But I don't have any experience! You of all people should know that. My first kiss happened just on New Years Eve!"

"Don't worry about that, it will all come naturally. I promise." I hate to admit it, but Georgia was helpful.

"Ugh, if you say so. What should we do on Friday? He didn't suggest anything specific."

"Hmm... dinner and a movie is always a safe way to go. Also it gives you two time to talk! Oh, look at the time. I'm so glad we could have this chat, darling. See you tomorrow! Au revoir!" I seriously think Georgia was born in the wrong country in the wrong century.

For the rest of the night, I finished my homework. As I was falling asleep, I couldn't help but think about Niall and our "outing" on Friday. Isn't the stereotypical guy thing to do during a movie to kiss the girl? I don't think I want to kiss him again. I think I think too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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