13 ~ The House Party

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Warning: fluffy ass shit. Fluffy fucking fluff of all fluffy fluff in all of fluff land

When we got to the mansion, it was already packed.  There were people carrying in cases of beer by the armful, and drunk people making out with anyone they could get their hands on.
Personally, I had never even been drunk. I didn't know what beer tasted like but I knew I probably wouldn't like it. From the way Alex was looking at all of the people, he hadn't either. We walked hand in hand into the party, sneaking up the back stairs to the room Alex was staying in until he left. We just sat down on the bed, staring into each other's eyes.
"This all feels like a dream." I giggled, blush coming to my freckles cheeks.
"I know," Alex sighed, grabbing my hands "I've just been asking myself all day... how in the hell did I get so lucky? You're even more handsome in person!"
"Right back at you.." I sighed, slowly leaning in to connect our lips. It was a soft kiss, but nonetheless wonderful. When I pulled away, I could feel my whole body melt against the weight of Alex as I accidentally fell over on top of him. As much as that seems like not an accident, it really was.
"Hey there," Alex laughed, moving his hand to the back of my head to undo my ponytail. He began to run his fingers through my curly hair, staring into my eyes.
"You are," I smiled, pecking his lips "the most wonderful," I pecked his lips again "human being," I kissed him again, this time a little longer "on earth."
That was apparently all the motivation he needed. He immediately connected our lips, grasping on to my body as we continued to intensify our movements.
After several minutes of this, someone opened the door.
"Right on!!" They slurred, I looked up and to my horror I saw Mr. Washington standing in front of me. I felt my face burn as I quickly scrambled off of Alex.
"H-hey Mr. Washington..." I said uncomfortably.
"Son, you've got quite the hickey on your neck." He laughed, taking another swig of his beer as he waled out of the room.
"Oh shit." Alex laughed, looking at me.
"You have a HUGE hickey," he laughed "you're welcome. I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled, unable to even be mad "so so so much. It feels so good to finally be able to say that."
"I know," he sighed "and I really do love you, more than anything."
"How long can you stay?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around his torso, placing my head on his chest.
"I leave in two days. But we're gonna see eachother again at the end of August! Then for four years and after that I'm never leaving you again."
"I don't want you to leave." I whined, holding on to him tighter, beginning to kiss his neck lightly.
"What are you doing?"
"Returning the favor." I chuckled, sucking on his neck until there was a dark purple spot.
"Gee thanks," Alex said, giggling. He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear slowly, staring into my eyes.
"I love you so much." He said quietly, smiling. Suddenly, someone burst through the door.
"COME PARTY!" Hercules screamed, slurring his words "YOU CAN BE GROSS LATER!!!" I was a bit resistant but Alex stood up, grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs to get a drink. I grabbed a cup of something off of the table, it was clear so I assumed it was water. When I took a sip I almost gagged.
It was vodka. Alex was drinking a beer, seeming completely unbothered by it.
After about ten minutes, I felt my drink start to kick in.
Alex's POV
I noticed that John was getting a little tipsy which made me laugh. He was sort of stumbling over his words as he tried to talk to me, giggling. He places his hands on my chest, smirking.
"Has anyone ever told you how... hot you are?" He giggled, slurring all of his words. Before I could reply, Peggy walked up to me, laughing.
"Looks like we've got a slutty drunk." She patted me on the back, laughing more "remember, broken ribs, no sex." And with that she walked away. John continued to run his hands up and down my chest and I tried my best not to do anything but to be honest all I wanted to do was make out with him the whole time. He began to walk around my body, running his hands across my chest, then my shoulders and my back. Suddenly, and without warning, he squeezed my butt. I squealed, whipping around to face him, he had the most handsome little smirk on his face, it honestly hurt me physically to not just give up and fuck him.
"Hey there hot stuff," he slurred, his breath smelling strongly of alcohol "you single?"
I chuckled, placing my hands on his shoulders "John, I'm your boyfriend you dummy."
He cheered, high fiving the first guy he saw walk past us. He pointed at me "See this hot piece of ass?" He yelled at people "mine."
"John, I think it's time for you to be done." I laughed, trying to take his drink out of his hand. When I did that, he brought his attention back to me, his smirk reappearing. He moved his hands to my head, pulling my ponytail out of my hair slowly, running his fingers through my hair.
"You are sooo sexy." He laughed, beginning to run his hands across my body again. Just then, the music started. And of course, it was John's favorite song. He began to force me to dance with him, still running his hands up and down my torso as he swayed and grinded on me.
I can't take it anymore.
I slammed my lips against his, cupping his face with my hands. He was quick to put his arms around my back, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me upstairs, never disconnecting our lips.
Well, so much for John's broken ribs.
S/O to slutty drunk John

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