15 ~ The Worst Day Ever

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By the time we got to the airport I had stopped crying. We walked in the doors and found where Alex was supposed to be going soon and sat in some chairs near it. I clung to him for dear life, burying my face in his shoulder.
"I love you," I repeated for just about the 50th time that day "I love you Lexi."
"Shh," he smiled, kissing the top of my head "I love you too, so much."
"You're my whole world. You're my moon and my stars. You're the only thing that keeps my world spinning. You're the love of my life, Lex..." the tears began to flow again as we watched the other people on Alex's flight begin to go through security.
"I gotta go." He sighed, tears building in his eyes. At this point, my eyes were pouring so many tears that I could barely see. He stood up, pulling me up and into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tightly, never wanting to let go. He lifted my chin up with his finger, smiling at me and wiping my tears away.
Slowly, he connected our lips, pulling away too soon.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you most." He smiled, kissing me one more time before walking away.
How in the hell am I gonna survive three months without him?
When I got back to Mr. Washington's house, he was sitting on the couch reading a book.
"Hey there, buddy," he said "how you doing?"
"This is gonna suck." I sighed, throwing myself on to the couch next to him. My phone buzzed.
My🌎: taking off. Love you 💗
My❤️: be safe baby. I love you
"You really love that kid, huh?" Mr. Washington smiled at me.
"Yeah... I think I'm gonna marry him someday..." I sighed, turning my phone on to look at the picture Laf took of us kissing. Sometimes I just turn on my phone to look at that picture. God, why is he so cute?
"I hope you do. He's a very nice boy." He said, patting my shoulder. I smiled, leaning my head back and drifting off to sleep.
I woke up to Mr. Washington shaking me awake.
"Mr. Washington whats going on?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
"Please call me George. And it's Alexander, he's been calling you nonstop."
I groaned, picking up my phone from next to me.
Ten missed calls from: My🌎
I sighed, calling him. He answered on the second ring.
"Hi. How was your flight?" I asked groggily.
"Alright. I miss you already."
"I miss you so much. I'd do anything to kiss you right now."
"Baby... you're acting weird... is everything alright?"
"John my cousin killed himself."
"...Alex I'm so sorry," I said, my eyes wide.His cousin was all the family he had left.
"I have n-nobody..." he sobbed.
"I'm so sorry baby... you have me..." I tried my hardest to comfort him, not really knowing what to do.
"My whole family is d-dead..."
"Do you need me to fly down there?" I asked him. Sure, it would be a long trip to take by myself and no one would want me to go but I would do anything for Alex.
"No!... I-I don't want you to see this place. It's a mess."
"Hon.. are you sure? I'll do anything for you, just say so and I'll be there. I love you."
"I love you too... I'll be okay. I'll skype you tonight?"
"Yep. Call or text if you need ANYTHING at all okay? I love you soooo much."
"I love you too. Bye."
"Bye." I smiled, hanging up the phone. I sat back down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.
"What happened?" George asked me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Today is really just the worst day ever. Alex left, and when he came home he found his only family member he had left dead."
"Oh my," George said, shocked "how terrible."
"Yeah... hey George?"
"Have you ever not been able to get someone off your mind? No matter how hard you try you just can never get them out of your head?"
"Oh wow you really are in love with that kid," he laughed "yes. I have. It's love."
"I wanna marry him."
"Not so fast! It hasn't been even a year yet. Wait till you're out of college." He laughed, patting my back. I shrugged, laying down on the couch.
"Thanks again for letting me stay here till college. I really appreciate it, yaknow."
"Of course. You were always my favorite, along with Lafayette of course." He smiled, getting off of the couch and going toward his bedroom.
Today sorta sucked.
Lol sorry this chapter literally sucked ass. I'm trying really hard and I promise the next one will be better. Much love
~ Joy

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