Chapter 3

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Nick's POV

I stopped midstep at his words, and looked down at him.
"What are you talking about?"
I watched as more tears fell from his closed eyes.
"I am a worthless, disgusting demon. By killing me, you will be removing a deadly tumer from the world." I didn't know what to say. So I placed a kiss on his forehead. He looked up at me with confusion in his eyes. I start walking again.
"I am not going to kill you beautiful. The villagers did though. They tried to attack while you were unconscious. But i stopped them." It took a moment to process my words.
"But why? Im nothing more than a wast of flesh. You should have let them put me out if my misery." I dont understand why he talks soo low of himself.
"I felt something inside me when you crashed into me. Something in my heart said i was to protect you. So, here we are going to my home so that i can do so."
I kissed him on the top of the head with a smile on my face. He falls asleep almost instantly. I shift him slightly in my arms. He is soo small, i can feel his ribs through his dirty, ragged clothing. When we get back to the castle, i need to feed and bath him ad well as get our healer to look at him.

After slipping back unnoticed into my room, i lay the boy on my bed. Taking the hem of my cape I wipe his face before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. He was burning up with a fever and it worried me. He starts to squirm and moan wrapping his arms around his stomach. I wonder if it is from hunger or maybe hes ill. With my panic rising I run out of my room and down the ling, stone corridor in hopes of finding Nella.

Turning the corner I nearly run into her.
"Well hello your highness. Where have you been and what are you wearing?" The knowing look that a mother woyld have shone in her eyes.
"Well I went into the village. But we can speak if that later. Right now i need your help."
"Wirh what?" she asks concerned.
"Please just follow me." Hurrying back to my room. Nella followsnot knowing what to expect. When her eyes land on the figure laying on my bed she gave a sharp gasp.
"Oh dear!" She rushes over and instructs me to find a servent to retrieve hot water and rags at once.
When i step back into the room she had already undressed him and his ratty clothes lay in a pile on the floor. The condition of his body was shocking. A stab if pain hit me in the chest as I fought back tears.
"I also requested that Asa be brought here as well." I say to Nella in a quiet voice. She only nods her head also fighting tears.
A few minutes later the servent came with what was requested with Asa in tow. His first sight of the boy and he gasps.
"What has happened to this poor child?!" Asa rushes over to the bedside and starts checking for heart rate, pulse, temperature and such.
"Well his vital signs ate stable but his fever is a little curious. How did he get into the castle? "
"I snuck him in," I went to the village and he ran into me and fell. He was trying to run from one of the merchants he stole a piece of bread from."
"Well what happened next?" Asa urged.
"At first he seemed in awe if me then started to get duzzy and fell.  Started to moan and grabing his stomach. Then just passed out." I explained.
"But on the way here he did say something that worried me greatly." I hesitated a moment before saying,"he said that when i killed him to make it quick. That he was tired of feeling pain. That he was a demon and was better off dead."
I looked over at Nella. She had tears rolling down her face, one hand over her mouth, and the other over her heart.
"Why would he want to die? He is but a child," she asks. After a few seconds Asa responds.
"It is all in his appearance."
We look at him in confusion.
"Why do you think he looks so different from everyone else?" when neither me or Nella answer he supplies," He is a dragon child."

A/N- SURPRISE!! Look what i did. I finaly updated! WooHoo! So anyway my grandma is away from the house for a couple of days and that gave me the chance to do this. And maybe just maybe ill be able to squeeze in another chapter before she gets home. No promises though. Oh and just to let everyone know i do my own corrections as i go. So if i did miss something please don't point it out thank you soo much. And i hope you enjoyed this little chappie of mine. So until next time.

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