Chapter 2

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Heya there so here is the 2nd chapter of the story. Sorry it took soo long but life sucks most of the time for me lol.  So this chappie is kinda sad an maybe a little depressing but longer than the first one. I hope you enjoy and please leave me a comment of what you think. Thank you


Galen's POV

Have you ever been hated and feared just because you looked different than anybody else? I have and its the most horrible feeling imaginable.  Just because my hair is the color of flame and my eyes are like gleaming emeralds. My skin is pale and littered with tiny freckles. As I look down at myself, at my skinny and pathetically small body, I wish someone would love me. But who would give me a second glance?

My whole life have been labeld as demon, a cursed unwanted thing. Even my own parents feared me. When they died from sickness, everyone said that I was the cause. That I brought the sickness that killed them. And the fact that I didn't get sick as well made them even more fearful of me.  I don't know why I'm still alive. Death would be more peaceful and free of pain. No more starving, struggling to steal and beg for the smallest scraps of food. No more freezing to death for lack of proper clothing and have healthy food to eat, warm clothes and a warm bed of my own, that would be a dream come true. That is my dream, it will never come true.  Good things don't happen to me. Ever.

I open my eyes to watch the towns people pass by on the street. Listen to all of the chattering merchants calling out to passerbys to buy their goods. My stomach growled and twisted in pain as the aromas of freshly baked breads, cooked meats, fruits and vegetables, they all hit me like a punch to the  gut. I wait until the pain subsides before slowly pushing to my feet, staggering slightly at first. Readying myself to go out into the street and try to snatch something to put into my belly. As I wait for my opportunity to "grab and dash" I suddenly get the feeling that this was not going to go well.

But I ignore this feeling. I'm lucky that I am able to get anything to eat at all. The merchants guard their goods well. But I have to try. My body is weak and sluggish as it is. Much longer without neutriants and I will die. There! His head is turned! I run as fast as I am able to his cart and snatch a loaf of bread. Its still warm. I turn to run and crash into someone so hard the force bounced my body to the ground. Looking up into the face of a young man in a white shirt and brown pants. His hair a soft brown with a slight curl to it. Pretty brown eyes. After a moment he asks, "are you alright?" Oh even his voice is nice. I took his outstretched hand and pulled myself up. Wow he's tall. I only came to his chest. With wide shoulders and fair muscle tone, the guy was a wall. "um...yes I'm f-fine. I'm soo sorry sir. I have to go!"  I run past him but he grabs ahold of my arm. It hurt and no doubt will leave a bruise. Panic rose in me. He was about to say something when I heard, "Thief!! How dare you, you filthy demon!!!!" I look into the strangers eyes silently pleading for him to let me go.

Then something happened that I cant explain. My entire body felt like it had been set on fire. I gasp and fell to the ground at the guys feet. I squeeze my eyes closed against the pain. Every breath I took was like a hot poker being jabbed into my lungs. When I opened my eyes again, a pair of brown eyes full of gentle concern hovered over me. I then realized that I was no longer on the ground or even in the village anymore. I was being carried by the handsome stranger in his arms. "So you are finally awake" he says in a nice, masculine voice. "Are you alright? You had me worried there." I wasn't sure what to say but, "I don't know. What happened? I feel like someone set me on fire." I tried to wipe the sweat off my face but my arms felt like lead weights. The dulled pain in my stomach caused a whimper to escape my mouth. And a tear trailing down my cheek at the fear of death. I didn't want to die but if I did then so be it.

"Mister, when you kill me, can you please make it quick? I'm tired of feelin pain."

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