Chapter 4

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Galen's POV

At first there was nothing but darkness, and voices. I couldn't really make out what they were saying. Slowly I open my eyes to a large, dimly lit room. Not knowing where i was or what had happened i began to panic. That is until one of the voices said," He is a dragon child."
What did he mean by that? What was a "dragon child"? A wave of pain hit me, causing me to yell out. I curl up onto my side holding my lower stomach. The panicked voices of the strangers rush toward me. Hands touch me rolling me onto my back. I open my eyes to see three people hovering over me. A middle aged woman who looked like someones mother. An old man, and the guy that saved me from the villagers. When my eyes met his, a sudden presure occured between my legs.
'What the hell was that?'
I start breathing heavily. The pain in my stomach has mostly faded now but the feeling in my privates remained.

"What is wrong with me?" I moan out. The old man must have noticed from the kind smile that showed on his face.
"It is ok Child Of Flame. My name is Asa. I am the healer of the castle of Cordell." Asa said. Next was the woman.
"And i am Nella, a servant here. What is your name sweetie?"
"I...I am Galen." I felt a hand take mine. My gaze moved to the handsome face that made my heart feel funny.
"I am Prince Nicolas of Cordell. It is a pleasure to know the name of my beautiful one." I blush at his words and squirm at the feeling down low.
"And it's nice to know the name of my savior." I say with a bow of my head. Nicolas brings my hand up to his lips and placed a kiss upon it. My heart flutters again.

We are brought back to ourselves as Asa clears his throat.
"There is nothing wrong with you. It is only natural what is happening to your body. When you found your mate, it triggered your first heat." he said simply.
"Wait. Heat? Mate? What do you mean? I don't understand and what is a Dragon Child?" I firethe questions quickly. Feeling panic rise again.
"Whoa, little one. One at a time," Asa chuckled.
"Im sorry," Galen muttered as he hung his head trying, but failing, to hide his blush.
"Unfortunately I will habe to explain at another time. His Majesty should be returning at any moment."
"Shit. I completely fogot." Nick exclaimed. Nella glared at him, shaking her finger at him.
"Your Highness watch your language in front of guests! " she scolded. Nick flinched at her tone and mutters a "sorry" in reply. I just giggle.
Suddenly the sound of trumpets sounded from outside.
"Asa, Nella please can you temd to Galen gor me while I greet my father?"
They both bowed while replying with "yes sir, of course."
"But shouldnt you change beforehand?"
"Oh yes thank you for reminding me."
I watch as he hurries to a large wooden cabinet pulling out some rather nice garmets. When he removed his shirt I couldn't help but stare at his amazing body. But when he reached for his trousers, I quickly turn my head. My cheeks firing up again. Moments later I feel a large, warm hand cup my cheek and turn my face to look at him. He was smiling at me. His lips ate soo pretty and pink.
"Galen, Nella will take care fo you untill I get back, ok?"
"Yes sir." I whisper
"Please call me Nick no need for you to be formal with me." He says in a gentle tone. He then he leans forward to press his pretty lips against mine. But before i can respond in any way he hurries out the door leaving me with Nella. Asa had slipped out a while ago.
Nella places the back of her hand against my forehead.
"You temperature seems to ne coming down. Would you like something tp eat sweetheart?" At her question my eyes widen and nod my head quickly.
"Yes ma'am please. I haven't had much in awhile." At that she walks to the other side of the room and picks up a tray. She places it on my lap. My eyes fill with excitement at the array of meats, cheeses and the freshest fruit I have ever seen. I take a piece of meat and shove it into my mouth. A moan excapes me at the tast of food on my tongue. My controle snaps and start shoving all the food into my mouth. Now full I look up at Nella to see she was staring at me with her mouth hanging open. I look down at the plate and realised I had just rudely inhaled all the food. Thinking I had messed up my tears come falling down my face.
"Galen sweetie why are you crying?"
It took me a moment to calm down enough to speak.
"Im soo sorry. I didn't mean to." I say as I wipe at my tears.
"Dear child what are you apologizing for?" Nella asked with confusion.
"Thay food wasnt meant for me was it?"
"Well it was Nick's breakfast I had brought him this morning, but he didnt eat it. I can get more for you. We have plenty of food and by the looks of it you need it." She chuckles as she takes the wash cloth and wipes my tears away. I calm down and my breathing returns to normal. A patch of skin on my arm suddenly starts to itch very badly. When I look down, what i see scares me.
"Um, Ms. Nella there is something on my arm amd its itching." She takes the rag and wipes the dirt off my arm to reveal a patch of pearly red scales.
"Oh dear," she said softly.

A/N And SURPRISE again! So here is Chapter 4 and probably the last one ill be able to post for a while. So i hope this holds you guys over till i do.

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