Chapter 12

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This is the necklace.

Nick's POV

Looking at my mother's  jewelry after soo many years made me miss her all over again. But there was one piece in particular  the I wanted to give to Galen. As I can the contents of the box, Galen's hand reaches in and picks up the very peice I was after. My eyes watched his face for his reaction. At first it held awe and wonder, but quickly turned to fear. He dropped the necklace like it burned him. The smile that was on my face vanished just as quick. He was holding his arm to his chest rubbing his wrist.

"I-I'm sorry!" Those words were mixed with fear. I placed the box on the foot of the bed and knelt in front of him. Reaching up I place my hands on his face to have him look at me. The tears sent a stab to my heart.

"Galen please don't cry. What's wrong, my heart?"
"The last time I touched a piece of jewelry, my wrist was broken as punishment. It is not mine to touch and I am sorry. It won't happen again, please don't be mad!" For a moment I was stunned.
"No, no Galen I'm not mad at all. I took them out because I wanted to give you a gift." I reach over to the box and pick up the necklace. I place the pendant into his palm.
"This was my mother's favorite necklace. And before she died, she gave it to me. She said hat it was special, that I should give it to my special someone. And that is you Galen." I watch his fingers graze the surface of the stone. He lifts his gaze to mine. His eyes are red and slightly puffy. I couldn't help but smile at him.
"My mother told me that the stone is called "fire opal" or "dragon's breath opal." I we his eyes widen at my words. He looks back at the pendant and smiles. I am relieved.

"Here let me help you put it on."  I take the chain and unfasten the clasp. I reach around his neck and refasten it into place.
" This is for you to keep. A special gift for my beautiful soulmate." His face turns tomato red and flings his arms around my neck, his lips on mine. Surprised at first, but very happy that he had stoped crying. 
"Thank you, I love it!"
"It was my pleasure, sweetling," I say before placing my lips on his for a brief moment. Just then Nella knocks on the door.
"Nicolas, can you please open the door? My hands are full."
"Oh sure." I quickly walk to the door and open it for her. And sure enough she had a tray loaded with everything from eggs, bacon, and toast to fruit and milk. After closing the door, I helped her with the tray.

"After seeing Galen attack the food yesterday, I figured I ought to bring more for him. It's a start on getting some meat on the poor child" she chuckled.
"Oh and here you go. Try these on." She hands Galen a bundle of clothing. He sets the bundle on the bed and picks up the first item. It was a pair of shorts.
"Um, what are these?"
"They are undergarments to wear under your britches" she says shaking her head that he didn't know what underwear looked like. Poor child.
"Oh, ok. Um, Nicky, can you please turn around?"
"Oh yeah sure." I spin around to look out of the window. The sun was up. Shining brightly. I put the palm of my hand against the glass. It's warm.
"OK you may turn back now."
I turn to see him in a long sleeved white shirt, a pair of slightly worn Brown pants, and a pair of soft brown shoes. Servent's clothes.
"Nella, is this all you could find? Surely there is something more suitable for him."
"No your highness. This is all I could find. He is soo small and I had to make sure they would cover his scales." I sighed.
"Alright. But we'll have to get something else later. For now they will have to do. Can you please take him with you today? I have to see my father later, but before that I have something to discuss with Asa."
"Of course Nicolas,  but what are you going to tell your father? If he finds out about what Galen is, he'll probably kill him himself! " I turn my gaze to Galen, who is now sitting on the foot of the bed not saying a word. A smile spreads across his precious freckled face. My heart skipped a beat then. I walk over to him and reach out my hand for him to take. He shyly places his hand in mine and I pull him to his feet and into my chest. The feelings this small boy make me feel are wonderful. I lay my cheek on the top of his head and close my eyes.
To Nella I say, "I don't know yet but I'll figure something out."

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