FanFiction - Mark of Athena

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Chapter 1


WITH HIS ARMS AROUND HIS FRIENDS, Percy walked towards the Forum, excitement burning within him. He was a door away from seeing his friends. He had missed them so much, even Clarisse, but he wasn’t going to admit that. He felt uncomfortable to be meeting them in a purple toga, but Reyna had insisted.

Annabeth. He was finally going to see Annabeth again! But he was also nervous. What if the Romans and Greeks didn’t get along? What if this could lead to chaos and they never get along? But he knew he couldn’t think like that. If he did, all was lost.

The Argo II was touching down right beside the Forum, and Percy could see Terminus was freaking out, throwing his body around as if he had arms, and screaming several curses in Latin at the Greeks. Percy just hoped that the Greeks can’t understand Latin. But knowing Annabeth, she probably did.

The door opened, and everyone was silent. Reyna looked at Percy and he gave her a reassuring nod, though that didn't seem to have helped. She frowned and looked at the opening door of the ship. Percy let go of his friends.

Out of the door comes a boy about Percy’s age, with sky blue eyes and close-cropped blond hair, he looked nice enough, but Percy could see the sadness in his eyes. When he came off the Argo II, Reyna gasped, and the others just stared, Percy could only assume this was the famous Jason everyone was talking about. A guilty felling exploded in Percy’s stomach; he had basically stolen this guy’s authority, any hard feelings?

Jason searched the crowd and his eyes settled on Percy, and made his way towards him.

“You Percy?” Percy nodded. “I’m Jason.” He said, holding out his hand.

Percy took it. “Ah, the famous Jason, pleased to meet you, sir.” Percy said, faking a bow.

Jason laughed. “The pleasure is mine Mr. Jackson” He replied, following Percy’s example with the bow.

Percy felt the tension melt immediately. Reyna ordered the crowd that had gathered to lower their weapons. Octavian lowered his dagger and his slaughtered stuffed cow.

“You can come out now, guys!” Jason yelled toward the Argo II, and soon after that the air was filled with exclamations, greetings, and pats on the back. Seeing all his friends again, Percy was on the verge of crying, but he pulled himself together. The Greeks cautiously approached the Romans and started conversations, comparing weapons and experiences. After the Apollo, and Hermes cabin greeted Percy, they left for their Roman relatives. The Hermes cabin left for the Mercury children, causing Percy’s hand to search for his wallet then realizing his slipping toga didn’t have pockets.

Searching the crowd, Percy could see Clarisse, who gave him a nod, he would catch-up with her later. He also saw the boy from the letter, Leo, and a girl next to Jason that he was sure had been the one from one of his dreams. He couldn't seem to find Grover anywhere, which worried him. Maybe he stayed at camp? Where was Rachel? Percy searched for Annabeth, but couldn’t find her. He panicked. What if she hadn’t come?

“Percy” Percy jumped and looked around. The whisper came from right beside him.

“It’s me, Annabeth. Do you remember?”

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