Did you see her face;
As she cried in disgrace.
Because her family doesn't really care,;
They just don't want people to stare.
So she tends to hide her scars;
But now she feels like she's being kept behind bars.
Cause, its hard to survive;
when you barely feel alive.
Yeah, because they didn't tell her;
That her mind could kill her.
And it could never be over;
so she started breathing slower......
And she wonder who else feels like they're being drowned by their tears;
Who else feels like they're being weighed down by their fears.
Who else feels like their dreams are being crushed;
Who else feels the world wants them to rush.
Who else constally wants to run away;
Who else wonders why no one stays.
Who else feels like they should be dead;
Because that's what happens when you left alone in head......
And she looks at him as he misses his imagination;
Because he gave into the temptation.
That the darkness offered;
And as it surrounded him it almost seemed proper.
None of life makes sense;
And she can't admit it but she misses her innocence.
Because she took life's cold,dark hand;
Yeah, she gave into the pain of the world's evil plan.
Who Else And Other Works By: Jules L. Gonzales
PoetryA collection of poetry written out of pain, loss and love.