I am trying to fight it the best I can;
But it's calling out to me like a old friend;
It's reaching out and begging me to take its hand.
It's haunting my dreams when I sleep;
I am becoming a mess as I try and resist;
This feeling is becoming the darkest secret I keep.
I am failing everyone I know by wanting you;
I cannot take the pain of it all anymore;
And the tears that keep falling are the palest blue.
I am left a broken and worthless mess by them;
What happened to that cheeky little girl I use to be;
And as I look at myself now and I hate what I've become.
It's scary how wanting you isn't something I can contain;
It's scary that I can't stop missing the dark red dripping down my arm;
And what I fear the most is that it's this type of pain that demands to be cut away.
Why can't I find the strength to control this urge to always run to you when I cry;
Why are you always the one and only thing that can ever seem to help me cope;
I always run back to you when things get to be so rough and then when they ask, I lie.
I can feel myself becoming a shell of the happy girl that I once was, it's like I am watching as I fade;
As I pick you up in my broken state, I can already imagine the disappointment in their eyes, yet I continue to cut, cut, cut;
I whisper "I'm sorry" to no one as go on cut, cut, cut and I face the fact that I have become a prisoner of that fucking blade.
Cut, cut, cut....
Who Else And Other Works By: Jules L. Gonzales
PuisiA collection of poetry written out of pain, loss and love.