1. The Very Beginning

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"Mommy, what does love mean?" I asked my mother 10 years ago. When I was a young, innocent little tot. I was small and curious. I wanted to know so badly. I was obsessed with romantic comedies on TV and romance novels, yet I was only 6 years old at the time.

My mother was shocked. And speechless as if she just saw a strike if lightning hit a tree. She was mesmerized, but in the end, found an answer.

"Love is when, no matter what, you would give up everything to make that person happy." She said to me. I was surprised. I thought love was kissing and hugging and embracing each other. I wasn't expecting that answer. But I smiled and was satisfied from that answer.

10 years later

First day of sophomore year. Doesn't excite me. In fact, I don't even want to get up. Sophomore year? Ugh, wake me up when I'm a senior.

"Come on! Get up, get up! First day of school you can't be late!" My mom yelled as she opened the blinds and yanked my blankets off of me. I curled into a ball and moaned.

"Ah, where's the reverse button when you need it!" I said to my mother. She chuckled and threw my clothes on me.

"Get changed brush your teeth, brush your hair I don't care what you do just get ready. Breakfast is on the table." She said as she walked through the door so fast her hair flew back. my mother was always a morning person. Me on the other hand. I'd rather stay up all till I have to get up then go to bed and wake up.

I slowly move out of my bed to the cold wood floor. I hopped to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and was putting my pants on at the same time. Even though I'm not a multi-tasker I pulled it off, almost. Falling and choking on your tooth brush wasn't part of the plan.

As I grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door I heard my mother yell I love you. I mumbled it back as I stuff my face with the burnt bread. I could hear her loud chuckle from a distance. I shut the door and walked down the hill at my bus stop. You couldn't believe how much I hated this bus...

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