10. Lucky number

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I went home. Happy as ever. I came through my front door and kissed my mom on the cheek and hugged my dad as hard as I could.

"Do you want money or something?" my dad asked jokingly.

"Haha. No, I'm just really happy today." I said, and ran upstairs to my room.

I changed into my pjs and plopped on my bed. And right as I check my phone I get a text from Michael.

'Hey cutie cx'

I immediately smile and blush.

'Haha hi cx'

'What, no hi cutie back? well! XD'

I laugh and fall back on my pillow. I just kept thinking about that kiss! And to think this all happened because I got chased down by some robber. Freaky.

'Haha hi cuteness xP'

I reply.

'Lol, that's better cx'

I already love this conversation. And it gets better and better through the night.

We stayed up until 3 in the morning texting. And the only reason we stopped was because my mom told me to go to bed. She could hear me laughing. But I didn't fully fall asleep until at least 5 because I was thinking about our time together. Just flash back after flash back and smile after smile. And I didn't even care that I have school tomorrow. I'm actually pretty happy that we have school tomorrow, because the first person I will see is Michael. Then it hit me. The "other" boys will be there. Hopefully they won't mind me and Michael. Haha what the hell, they have no choice but to except it.

*alarm clock*

I open my eyes to the sight of grey clouds and little trickles if rain on my window. Rain? Well okay then.

I get up and rip off my blankets. Today just felt a whole lot different. In a good way. I turned on my music and pranced around the whole house like an idiot. Trying on shirt after shirt after pants after pants finally finding a perfect outfit for the day. I tried on at least 1,000 pieces of jewelry and ended up wearing only 2 bracelets, a necklace and 2 rings. I was smiling and humming. Nothing could ruin this day. I looked at the clock and I was just on time and I ran out the door to my bus stop. Oh how happy I am today. Just think if one little kiss could make today just perfect, imagine how amazing my week would be if that happen every day! My imagination has gone wild today.

I plopped my backpack against the poll and I waited for Michael. Not those losers, not any one else at the bus stop. Just him. I turn over to see Michael and he lifts me up and puts me over his shoulder. I start laughing.

"What are you doing out me down!" I say with a loud chuckle at the end. He starts laughing too.

"I have to show you something. Or show someone else something." Confused I just shrug it off and still laugh and demand him to put me down.

He finally does and I get placed in front of a bunch of dudes. those dudes. My smile instantly fades and I look up at Michael.

I whisper, "Why am I here?"

Michael whispers back, "Just watch."

"Guess what guys?" Michael says as they all look at each other with confusion, "See this girl right here?" he turns to me and pulls me by the hips and smashes his lips into mine. It felt awkward kissing him in front if these people but I didn't care. This kiss was even more passionate than the first. I wrap my arms around his neck as he grabs my neck. Then he pulls away. Well that was...unexpected.

"Yep, were dating. So, touch her and you die. Mkay?" he said as he stares his death eyes at the one guy who was epically rude. I thought he was just going to walk away with me to my place but before he did that. He said some words that got me liking him even more.

"Especially you, when you went up to her and was rude to her in every way possible, I wanted to smack you across the face. But I'll give you another chance. If you ever do anything, and I mean anything, then this hand is going across your face." and he walked away with his hand on my hip pulling me towards my backpack.

"Well, hello Mr. Protective." I say with a smile. He laughs and puts his arm over my shoulder.

"Well, I don't want you to get hurt is all." He had kind eyes and a smirk across his face. His dimples lit up in happiness and his hair was perfectly to the side. Then I realized we were just staring and smiling at each other with our hands around each other. Then the bus came. Stupid bus...

We got on the bus and me and him sat next to each other. We were just laughing and talking and just being ourselves. Then he stopped talking and put his hand in his pocket.

"Here. I have something for you..." he pulled out a handkerchief. Why would he give me a hanky? he handed it to me and I stared at it in my hand.

"Haha, open it you dork!" he laughed and my face blushed of how I noticed my blonde moment. I unfolded it from corner to corner. And written on the hanky was a number. '21 '

"This is my lucky number. The day I first saw you, was April 21st, 2013. And I will always remember that day. Keep it. It will remind you of me." He folded it back up and closed my hand. I smiling like an idiot. That's so sweet! I look up and he slowly crept forward and gently placed his lips on mine. It was the best moment ever with him. So far...

We reached school and me and Michael couldn't seem to let go of each other. Every time we passed by it was either a quick kiss or a tight hug. All day I would stop wanting to go to 7th period. Where he was there. My only class I have with him and he sits across from me. I tap my pencil on the desk I start jittering my leg and look back and forth from the clock to my work as I tried to focus in only on my homework but somehow ended up always looking at that damn clock.


.Little did she know, he was doing the same thing.


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