Part 1 "Be a great storyteller. We need you."

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Welcome to The Writer's Guide.

I have taken great pride and found hours of enjoyment in putting together a quality product designed specifically to help us hone our craft. 

Yes, there are hundred--thousands--of blogs and books; websites and WattPad guides; workshops and Youtube clips to assist you with writing.  I hope you continue to explore them throughout your writing career. 

This Writer's Guide is unique in its user-friendly format in which I have done a lot of the legwork for you and brought together the best of what is out there.  

Moreover, I have included video clips from movie scenes, interviews, Youtube, Google, and so forth to help explain the concepts in story craft. 

So, you're a storyteller

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So, you're a storyteller. Welcome to this amazing calling.

We writers shape, change and rock the world.

From caves to campfires, from books to blogs--storytellers define good and evil, love and hate, laughter and tears. We create the heroes and the villains. We write the speeches that move nations. We draft the Constitutions to define societies.

It is we who give voice to music and magic to movies.

Our words bring peace to the grieving and hope to the lost. We mend the most broken of hearts.

We preserve the past, frame the present and create the future.

And the world needs more storytellers, like you.   Think of this as you view this 2 min clip:

I keep these inspiring words from Lord of the Rings at the front of my Writer's Notebook.

"I can't do this Sam."

"I know.  It's all wrong.  By rights we shouldn't even be here.  But we are.  It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo.  The ones that really mattered.  Full of darkness and danger, they were.  And sometimes you didn't want to know the end.  Because how could the end be happy?  How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?

But, in the end, it's only a passing, this shadow.  Even darkness must pass.  And a new day will come.  And when the sun shines, it will shine out clearer.

Those were the stories that stayed with you.  That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why.

But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand.  I know now.

Folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't.  They kept going. Because they were holding on to something."

"What are we holding on to Sam?"

"That's there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo...and it's worth fighting for."

In your unique and beautiful imagination awaits the next creation of worlds with wizards and witches, or of toe-tingling romances; of bone-chilling adventures or fun twists in fan fiction; of magical kingdoms with fairies and spells or aliens ruling a new universe. 

 You have special knowledge and unique experiences to share.

You are a storyteller and the world awaits your story.

Sometimes the stormy sea makes writing seem so difficult, we fear right word is lost. Forever. Stranded on some island of the "perfect words" waiting to be rescued. Other days, the ocean's depths swallows our ideas and refuses to give them back. It keeps our treasure chests teeming with story gems of the 3 a.m. ideas we can't quite remember.

But, on those wonderful days, those glorious days—when the light dances across the water's surface—our story flows with the rhythm of a seamless tide.

The Writer's Guidebook is here to guide your journey on every day—to beckon your amazing-wonderful-unique-to-you-stories to shore.

It will be valuable for you if you are brand new to writing or have been writing for years. It is not a guide for academic writing, but will be helpful for those of you who write as a hobby or who publish professionally.

"Part 2" outlines how to use the Author's Guide.

The entire guide will be on WattPad, but if you would like to have your own complete copy, please Follow Me. When the guide is available, I will send messages to my followers.

I hope The Writer's Guide serves you well; for we, the storytellers, are tasked to keep the "humanity" in "human". 

We light the fires for passion, fasten bandaids on the hurt, and create fantastic new worlds.

I invite you to become the storyteller

whose words and wisdom

will bring light to this world.

THE Writer's GuideWhere stories live. Discover now