Simply THE best Writer's Resource because I take the best of best and put everything together here for you.
I use fantastic&fun YouTube clips, Movie clips, User-friendly Templates, Blogs, Examples, Ideas, and more--this is the one place where you'...
Luckily, many of you won't remember the typewriter or know the 'isolation' of writing in the days when the typewriter was the primary tool for writers.
Today, thanks to technology, writing is a wonderful communal process full of connectivity.
Information, inspiration and interaction literally at our fingertips.
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THE BOOK LIST : Below, I've listed some excellent books that I encourage you to consider. Each book has a brief description and either an clip from the actual author or a movie clip to help illustrate the concept of the the book.
The Writer's Journey (Christopher Vogler) "The Writer's Journey explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in a clear, concise style that's made it required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world." Considered by many authors to be the 'Bible' for writers. It is very in depth and I found myself pondering many principals he presented. Vogler's voice leads with simplicity through many complex ideas.
This is an EXCELLENT CLIP! PART 7 further explores The Hero's Journey.
On Writing (Stephen King) "Part memoir, part master class by one of the bestselling authors of all time, this superb volume is a revealing and practical view of the writer's craft, comprising the basic tools of the trade every writer must have." Given to me as a gift, this book is a perfect blend of narrative and specific writing advice. An excellent read, even if you are not a writer.
bird by bird (Anne LaMott) "Think you've got a book inside of you? Anne Lamott isn't afraid to help you let it out. She'll help you find your passion and your voice, beginning from the first really crummy draft to the peculiar letdown of publication." Anne's voice is both kind and informative. Enjoyable from cover to cover.
Why We Write(edited by Meredith Maran) "In Why We Write, twenty well-known authors candidly share what keeps them going and what they love most—and least—about their vocation" This is an interview of 20 writers with very different experiences. Very well done and insightful. Inspiring stories coupled with practical writing advice. Gish Jen (below)is one of the 20 Authors featured in this book.