17 year old Rowan meeting 17 year old Aelin

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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Sarah J. Maas.
Rowan's P.O.V.

"Rowan" Lorcan growled. We had been sparring for over 3 hours now and I was completely exhausted. Panting, I put my hands on my knees needing a break. I looked up to see Lorcan scowling at me.
I was 17, practicality a baby to most Fae. I got up, my sword at the ready and lunged. Lorcan dodged with ease I hoped I could one day master.
Then he swiped my feet out from under me and my face met the training floor.
It suddenly went silent as I fell to the floor with a thud. Thinking they were all watching me, a heated blush rose up on my cheeks.
But no one even noticed me. Except the gorgeous girl standing at the entrance of the large room.
"Mind if I join you guys?" She asked.
The way she waltzed into the room made it clear she did not need our approval.
Everyone was silent as they they took in her appearance. Most of the Fae were in head to toe fighting leathers that showed no skin. But she wore a tight top that had a plummeting neckline and pants that clung to her like a second skin.
Her black cape flowed behind when she walked to the weapons wall, hips swaying. "Shut your mouth," Lorcan said under his breath, "Your drooling." I flushed again, hoping she didn't notice.

When she got to the wall, she plucked up a rapier and twirled it expertly around her finger.
Then she spun around with an evil glint in her eyes and said, "Who wants to challenge me?"
                           * * *
"Your highness, I don't think it would be wise for you to spar with us." Suggested a brave Fae that I had not met. She wasn't the queen so I knew that she had to be the crown princess, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.
There were rumors that she went to Adarlan to train with the King of Assassins. What ever her story was, it made my hands shake. Ignoring the male's comment, she surveyed the room looking for an opponent.

Lorcan, seeming to have no problem at all, pushed me forward and into her line of sight.
She grinned and stepped closer to me.
"What's your name, prince?" She asked. Amusement danced over her features.
Having no idea how she knew I was a prince, I replied, "Rowan." Grinning once again, she led me to a mat.
Tossing aside the rapier she was holding, she grabbed some hunting knives from her weapons belt that hung low on her hips.

She layed down the rules, "No magic. Just weapons, and/or feet and hands." She glanced around the room. "Oh guys, there is nothing to see here, just go back to  whatever you were doing." She added. No one stopped staring.
Unlike me, she seemed to love the attention.
Then with a sly grin from her and a nervous gulp from me, the fight began.
Our hair flew around, mine silver, her's gold. I decided to take it easy on her. Then without even having time for me to blink, she kicked me and I was on my butt.
Lorcan was not pleased. I suppose he wanted me to impress the princess. "Best of three?" I stuttered, not being very good with the ladies, let alone royalty that was sparring with me. She nodded and raised her knives.

I lunged with my short sword and she side stepped away from me. She met my sword with her dagger and we were a blur of colors.
I looked up at her and it seems she was just playing with me. This made me very annoyed.
She parried my blow, ducking under my arm and kicking my shin which made me stumble back.
In that moment, she used the hilt of her knife to hit me in the jaw. Pain bloomed across my face. Right when I was about to attack, she lunged, and there I was on the floor again.
"You may need to work on your sparring, prince." She said looking very amused. I got up and turned to her.
She winked at me, then turned and walked away, right when she was about to step out the door, she looked over her shoulder and motioned me to follow her.
Having no other option, I followed Her Highness down the winding corridors in complete silence until we got to the door of a room.
It turned out to be her bedroom. She sat down on her bed and looked up at me. "You, I don't know, but I'd like to."
I sat down in a chair. "Well, yeah we just met." I said trying to break the awkward moment. "Your Highness." I added quickly.
She chuckled, "Not very smooth with the ladies are you?" She said still laughing. "Oh and call me Aelin."
I nodded. Too nervous to say anything.
"So Rowan, how old are you and what is your magic?" Aelin cocked her head to the side, as if studying me.
"I'm 17 and I have wind and ice magic." She smiled, "I'm am also 17."
I blinked, taking this in. This girl my age was trying to flirt with me and I had nothing to say back.

"I will be back in a second." She got up from the bed and entered her bathing chambers.
A few minutes later, she re-entered the room in a dress. The neckline going lower then the last top, it made her look very mature. It was red and silky.
She must have caught me staring, because she said "Scandalized are you?"
I began to nod then stopped. "Uhh no." I said but it came out more like a question.
She raised her eyebrows. "If you think this is bad, you should see what I where to bed." I widened my eyes, getting the mental image out of my head.
I had absolutely no experience when it came to talking with females and it was showing right now.
Aelin tapped her fingers against her chin, "Actually, you'd probably be even more scandalized to know that-" She was cut of my a knock at the door. Part of me was glad she  didn't get to finish the sentence.

She pointed to the window and mouthed 'Get out'. I did exactly as she said. Shifting into my animal fo, a hawk, I flew out the open window.
                          * * *
Later that month, I could not stop thinking about the girl with the Ashryver eyes. And how good she fought and just all about her.
Though I think I embarrassed myself enough in front of her for her to never want to meet me again.
So how was it? First Rowaelin fanfic!

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