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"What should we name her?" I ask, looking at the adorable little baby we had wrapped up in pink.

 Without a moment's hesitation Rowan says, "Nehemia." I nod and start rocking her slowly. 


"ROWAN!!! Get your ass over here!" I yell in the direction toward our room.

 Earlier, Nehemia and I had gone to the library, to pick up some books recommended by uncle Dorian. And ever since I had introduced her to books she had loved them. 

But when we were walking back, she suddenly dropped to the floor and burst into flames. I knew she was just having a magic thrall, but as a mother, seeing your child in pain hurts more than it hurts them.

 I pull her into my chest, whispering soft words, knowing that the flames and I were good old friends and they would not hurt me.

Everyone was avoiding this once very busy hallway now, for we had been like this for a few minutes, and no one would want to get scorched by the burning hot flames.

 Hearing loud footsteps coming down the stairs, I look up and see my mate rushing over here. He dropped down to the floor and scooped our daughter up into her arms. 

I made sure the flames wouldn't burn him, as he tried to get Nehemia back to normal. I don't know how he did it, but after a few "Control your fire, you are its master" and "Nehemia, calm down it's okay" her flames slowly died down.

 Rowan pulled me into a group hug with our daughter, and as we pulled apart, I noticed she was sobbing. Rowan may be good with magic, but now my baby needed her mom. Plucking her out of my husband's arms, I stand up, and she wraps her legs around my torso and clings to me like a koala.

 In between sobs she asks, "Did I hurt-t youu?" Rowan slightly smiles and says, "Like mother like daughter."

 I pat Nehemia on the back. "No we are all fine, you hurt no one." I hear her small sigh of relief and I wonder how I got blessed with such a good family as this.

I wish in my assassin days, I could have gotten a picture of this. I know I would have never believed it was possible. Back then, I didn't know if I was going to live through the next day, let alone get married and have a kid. But to get this, I know I would do it all again.

 Nehemia's heart beat slowed and soon she was asleep. "Come on, let's put her to bed." Rowan says quietly, as not to disturb her. Walking up the stairs, I glance down and see scorch marks on the floor. Still holding my baby, I say, "We should really get a new finish on the floor."

I was thinking of starting a feysand fanfic but I don't really know what I would do it about.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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