Adarlan Ball

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"What do you think of this dress?" I ask Lysandra. Dorian and Manon were hosing the annual Adarlan ball and I had no idea what to wear.

Lysandra had picked for herself a pale deep green dress, the shade identical to her eyes, with a sweetheart neckline and matching stilettos. I was thinking of going with Terassen colors, but none of the dresses really suited me.

I went out to the local shops because some of the seamstresses here were amazing, and when I got tired I could buy hazelnut truffles. I got changed out of the frilly dress I was wearing and ventured down to the back of the shop.

At the very last rack, I saw a dress, falling of its hanger and out staged by the other dresses. I quickly pulled it off to take a look at it. I gasped, it is gorgeous. "Lysandra!" I call with excitement in my voice. She comes hurriedly to my side. "Oh that is gorgeous isn't it?" she says, reading my thoughts.

"Well what are you doing," she says pointedly, "go try it on!" I nod and obey her order. I look in the mirror and I love what I see. I hugs all the right and exposes the right amount of cleavage. It had a slit coming slightly below the hip, and it's back was see through green lace, to contrast with the swirling silver dress.

It reminded me of the one I wore to meet Archer Finn. It was a little more indecent than it appeared, but everyone knew what kind of queen I am, and it is not the modest kind, so I deemed it acceptable.

I stepped out of the dressing rooms and gave a little twirl for Lysandra. "Hot damn!" she says "Rowan will not be able to keep his hands off you!" she giggles. I smile, thinking of the important announcement I had to make tomorrow.

"Do you really think I should tell everyone tomorrow?" Lysandra, immediately understanding what I am saying, nods. "It will be a good way for the news to travel, but I'm not sure how Rowan will take it." She says with a small pitiful smile. I nod, knowing this will be hard. "Anyway," I say, changing topic, "I'll go buy this then we can go get something to eat."

After going to a local café, and stuffing our faces with Paninis, we headed back home.

The next day...

Manorian, as I like to call them, really outdid themselves this time. There were red and yellow silks hanging from the ceiling, and there was a mouthwatering buffet. My favorite part was there was a pyramid of chocolate, and least a foot high, and the tag on the front in big bold letters sad 'Reserved for the Queen of Terassen'.

I grinned evilly and plucked a few chocolates off from the top. Dorian came up to greet me. "So how is my second OTP going?" I asked.

I know your only supposed to have one, but I just couldn't decide between Manorian and Aedra. He scratched his neck, "Good I guess for your information. I see you have found the chocalates," he says, his eyes watching me trying to sneakily plop some in my mouth. "Ummm, yas, ery goo" I manage out with my mouth stuffed. He just laughed, and when I noticed Rowan coming over, I quickly pulled Dorian aside.

I swallow, "I need to make an announcement tonight, okay?" I confirm with Dorian, he nods and I go over to my mate. Rowan wraps a possessive arm around my waist. "You look so beautiful tonight." He says, meeting my stare. "I don't trust any of the unmated males around you."

He says glancing around the room to glare at all the men who were staring at me. "Buzzard" I flick him in the arm.

After all the guests got settled down in their seats, Dorian stood up. "I believe Ael- I mean, the Queen of Terassen has an announcement for us." He says, and as he sits down I stand up.

All heads turn to me. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure to be here with you tonight." I start my speech. "I'd like to give a special thanks to my court who helped me through tough times, and my husband Rowan." I got some cheers from my court at this.

"As nobody knows, well, except for Lysandra," I say with a chuckle, "A big change will be happening in my life." Lysandra gives me the thumbs up to continue. "I'm pregnant." I blurt out. My eyes go straight to Rowan's before looking for anyone else's reaction.

He seems shocked, and for a few seconds of fear, I thought that he might not be excited to have a child. But then, I huge smile comes takes over his features and he rushes forward to embrace me. Everyone is clapping around us, but all I'm focused on is Rowan.

"I love you Fireheart."

"I love you more Rowi."

Now I guess all just write a lot of one shots. If you have any ideas you want me to write about, please mention them. Thanks!

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