Red velvet

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"Why red velvet?" Rowan whines. Tightening my black apron once again, I taste the batter. "Because I said so."

 Masking a face of disgust I hand the same spoon to Rowan for him to taste it. Giving me a questioning look, he puts the spoon on the tip of his tongue. After licking his lips once again he shrugs his shoulders. 

"It tastes absolutely fine." He says, but it came out more like a question. I glare at him, and his lack of ability to taste that it had exactly a teaspoon more of sugar than it should have. But glancing down at the pink apron with red hearts all over it, I couldn't help but feel like rolling on the floor laughing. The apron did just not fit the fae warrior, made for battle.

 Moving around the marble island, I go over to the red jar that held a lot of sugar. "What do you think this is, Prince?" Moving my hand to the baby bump that was just starting to form, I hop up on the counter beside the sugar. I had been craving cake, red velvet cake to be exact. And the only thing I had assigned Rowan to do, putting the salt in the cake, he had messed up.

 "The salt?" Hopping down, I walk over to my mate. "That's. The. Sugar." I say, poking his chest. He sighs, and looks into my eyes. "I'm sorry Fireheart." Pulling him closer I kiss his cheek, "No, I'm just joking." Relief is evident. "Oh thank goodness, I was sure you would have had my head for that mistake."

 I grin at him cheekily, "No actually, you did make that horrid mistake, but let's feed it to Aedion and see if he dies." My mate, and his dislike for Aedion, was quick to agree. I put my arms around Rowan's neck and wait expectantly. "Well, aren't you going to carry me?" Rolling his eyes, he complies. "How did I get stuck with such a needy princess?" He questions, while walking up the stairs to our room. "You didn't." I say, while swinging my legs. 

"You got stuck with a queen."

"If I open this door, will I be scared for life?" Aedion asks, from the other side of the elaborately carved door. "No." I say. Cautiously, he opens the door. "Oh thank the wyrd." He exhales.

 I get up and grab his wrist to pull him over to the chair. Rowan's eyes immediately narrow on our point of contact. "Rowan! Let it go, he is my cousin and I am not into incest!" Rowan growls softly, but lets it go. 

"As an apology for the last time you walked in on us, here is a cake." I hand out a piece of the red velvet cake. Aedion raises an eyebrow, most likely astonished at his cousin's odd act of kindness. "Well aren't you going to eat it?" With a curious face, he brings the plate up to his face to sniff it. "Why did you make a cake? And why are you giving a piece to me?"

 I pat him on the cheek. "Because I was craving cake. And because I am a pregnant woman, who has mood swings and today I am a nice person." Partially satisfied with my response, he picks of a piece and brings it towards his mouth. Rowan and I lean forward slightly to see what would happen.

Stopping, Aedion looks at Rowan. "This has poison in it, doesn't it?" We both give no response. Shrugging his shoulders he says, "If I die, make sure I look good in the coffin." Rowan rolls his eyes, something he'd been doing a lot lately. 

"Ashryvers, "vain until the bitter end.""

Rowan and Aelin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now