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(This has nothing to do with the previous chapter.)

Kill me now, I thought. For the past twenty four hours, I have been throwing up.

Rowan immediately called the doctor, but she said that it was just a twenty four hour flu. She did give me some medicine, and it worked for an hour, but then I drank a little bit of water and started throwing up again.

I lean my head against the lip of the bathtub, wanting some ice to cool down my raging fever. "Aelin?" I heard my mate call softly from the other side of the door.

He tried the door handle to find it the same as it was hours ago; locked. I groan as another wave of nausea takes over me, and I tilt my head over the toilet.

Hearing my retching, Rowan pounds on the door, "Fireheart, if you don't let me in I am going to break down the door!" he threatens. Taking deep breaths, and with all the conviction I could manage, I say, "If you dare touch that door, you will be sleeping on the couch." He quiets at this, knowing that I would definitely go through with that.

"Fireheart," Rowan says, begging now, "Please let me in." In hurt me to see him in pain.

"I don't want you to see me like this." I whisper. But slowly I crawl toward the door and unlock it. Hearing the small click, the door bursts open. His eyes go straight to me and he picks me up in his arms, looping my arms around his neck, while he carries me out of the bathroom.

I got a glance of myself in the mirror, and that was enough, I looked absolutely horrid.

My hair was matted, all color from my skin was gone, and my eyes looked empty.

Rowan gently laid me down in our bed and called another doctor. He gave me some different tonics, and every time he would touch me, or when he was taking my temperature, Rowan would growl.

I whipped my head to the side, facing Rowan. "Your being an territorial fae. Stop scaring the poor man." I whisper to him, any normal person would not have heard what I just said, but I know Rowan did.

Not every male wants to use me.

His eyes darken and they seem to say,

Once you get better, I'll show you what every male wants to do to you.

I give him a small little smile and cross my legs. Oblivious to our silent conversation, the doctor packs up his stuff, and rushes out of the room.

Just as the doors close, they open again, and Aedion comes rushing into the room. "Strangers have crossed the border. They killed two of our guards!" He says in alarm, capturing both Rowan and I's attention.

"How many of them are there?" Rowan asks, making his way across the room towards my cousin. "Three. I was thinking that I could stay here with Aelin while you go out and handle them."

Before either one of them could say anything more, "That sounds like a lovely idea. Now Rowan, shooo." I say, making hand motions toward the door, "And Aedion? Could you get me some tea?" Just as Aedion was actually going to get me some tea, Rowan interrupts, furious.

"There is no way in rutting hell I am leaving Aelin's side."

I roll my eyes internally, and mentally preparing myself for what is going to happen next. The room stays silent while they stare at each other, two princes both willing to die to protect their queen.

This goes on for a few more seconds, before I interrupt them, "Does anyone even care that people from your legions are dying?" This seems to break them out of their stupor.

"You know what? Fine, I'll just go." Aedion says in defeat, exiting the room while Rowan smirks in victory. "Do you think-" Reading my mind, he says, "Everything will be fine, don't worry, Aedion has got it under control." I nod, trusting him.

Right when Rowan lays down beside me, and holds my hand, I ask, "Rowan, can I have some tea? And chocolate?"

Sorry for not updating in awhile guys :(

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