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Brigitte stumbled over a moss-covered log and quickly regained her footing as she raced to keep up with the pregnant woman—the one she needed to kill. Why she was there in the first place, Brigitte had no idea. She certainly hoped it wasn't what she feared. She skidded to a halt and held her breath as she attempted to blend into the bayou. The woman had stopped. The stranger hunched over, groaning as she held her stomach.

Swallowing, Brigitte clenched her fists as her mind raced. They'd never trained for this situation. Oh sure, she was ready to slit the throat of an old man or even an old woman. But a pregnant woman?

How could she end the life of a woman with a baby growing inside her? Perhaps she should call for backup. She was sure that Emeric would show no hesitation at killing her. He'd kill his own mother if the society asked him to. But he was the last person she wanted to call.

The woman sped off again—running under a canopy of trees and stumbling over foliage and splashing through puddles as she heaved air in and out of lungs. Desperation rolled off the laboring mother.

The most terrifying thing of all in this situation—this stranger seemed to know exactly where she was going.

About a minute later, she stopped again—the woman groaning in pain.

Brigitte slipped her dagger from its sheath. Perhaps she could kill her and cut the baby out. The child couldn't possibly remember this location. It should be safe to let it—

The mother ran once again—this time faster, more desperate. Brigitte could hear her sobbing. The shimmer of the fountain sparkled through the trees.

Could she do it? Could she really kill this woman?


She had to. She'd sworn to protect the fountain. But, she'd wait until the woman reached the water's edge. Running behind, she prepared to confront the mother as soon as she stopped.

Brigitte gasped when the woman didn't stop. She didn't slow a bit as she splashed into the pool of water—her figure was a pale silhouette against the rocky mound that rose from the center, bubbling with life-giving water.

Ripping out her phone, Brigitte considered who she should call. Lafayette. Yes! He would be level headed enough to know what to do.

"What is it?" he said when he picked up.

"There's a woman in the fountain," she answered and then bit her lip.

"How did she get that far?" Brigitte held the phone away from her ear as he shouted.

"I..." she couldn't continue—ashamed of her answer.

"You what?" he snarled.

"She's pregnant," she said, "and she's in labor."

He swore. "You're worthless, Brigitte."

She bit back a retort. "Just get here."

"We're already coming."


"Emeric is with me."

Brigitte's heart sank. Emeric, just the man she didn't want to call. As head of the order, he had very little tolerance for those who didn't enforce the rules. Brigitte began to tremble when she considered her punishment.

She had allowed a person near the waters. Not just that, she allowed a woman to bath in them. Looking at the woman, she already looked healthier—more vibrant.

Until the next contraction hit.

An ear piercing scream tore from the woman's lips. And then she sank down lower in the water—the ripples lapping against her neck. The water took on a red tinge. A few minutes later, a baby's head broke the surface. The mother held her up above the water and bellowed in a mixture of laughter and cries. Brigitte's heart sank at the sight.

Cursed by the Fountain of YouthWhere stories live. Discover now