Chapter 15

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"He's been in and out," a female voice said. "Agent Chase? Can you hear me?"

The smell of antiseptic and the beeping of a monitor let Nick know he was in a hospital. But how did he get there? He tried to think, but his mind was fuzzy and his head pounded.

He struggled to open his eyes, but they were weighed down. Finally, he raised his eyebrows and lifted his eyelids. A hazy face framed in black hair came into view. "Agent Chase. Can you tell me your first name?"

He licked his dry lips. "It's on my badge," he rasped.

"I need to know that you know your name."


"Good, Nick. Now, do you recognize where you are?"

He tried to swallow. Why was his throat so dry? He looked around. "Looks like a hospital."

"And what day is it?" she asked.

"September twenty-third, I think."

"You think?"

"Unless it's after midnight. Then it's September twenty-fourth."

"And the year?"

"We don't have time for this." Don's frustrated voice surfaced, as did his concerned face, coming in from behind Nurse Twenty-Questions.

"Nick," Don said, and uttered a curse. "What happened?"

"How did you know I was here?" Nick asked.

"I'm your emergency contact, you idiot. Now you tell me why anyone would want to knock out a group of tourists? And what were you doing in the middle of it? I thought you were supposed to be keeping an eye on your girlfriend."

"A tour group?" Nick said, trying to sit up. His head pounded at the movement. He covered the side of his pounding head with his hand and closed his eyes. "My head's killing me."

"You may have a concussion," the nurse interjected. "You hit it pretty hard when you fell."

Nick's mind wandered back to what Don said. Something about a tour group. The date! "Where's Fae?" he asked as his eyes flew open and he shot up. The room began to spin. He closed his eyes and held tight to the mattress.

"Whoa, slow down," Don said, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Sir," the nurse said. "You really shouldn't be upsetting him. He needs to rest."

Nick opened his eyes, grateful the room decided to stay put. He grabbed Don's arm. "Is Fae here?"

"You were with Fae?" Don's eyebrows rose.

That question chilled Nick to the bone. "Is she here?" he asked again.

Don shook his head.

Nick punched the mattress and swore. "I need to make a phone call."

"Don't worry about it," Don said. "I'll call in the team."

"Not our team."

"What...?" Don narrowed his eyes. "You don't mean Division X."

"They told you what they're called?"

"It's what I call them. Why bring them in?"

Nick debated what to tell Don. He'd known Don for years; he was the closest thing he had to a best friend. Normally he didn't keep any secrets from him. This whole Division X stuff was wreaking havoc with their friendship.

"Don," Nick frowned. "I wish I could tell you. If I did, I could be charged with treason."

"You're joking?" Don jerked back.

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