Chapter 31

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Fae decided that the worst part of riding in the trunk of a car was not knowing where in the world she was going! Nick wouldn't be able to tell by reading her thoughts either. But, didn't Conall say Nick would be able to find her anywhere?

He'd better!

Fae had finals she absolutely couldn't miss.

She had a flash of guilt. Finals were the least of her worries. Who knew how much time Morgan had? Lafayette had given his word not to harm her, but he was a murderer. If anything happened to Morgan, she'd never forgive herself.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, they slowed, but then they were bumping over... a dirt road? It felt like she was going home, back to her and Brigitte's place in the Bayou. At the thought of Brigitte, Fae's heart sank. Lafayette had killed her too. Fae swallowed the lump in her throat and pressed her eyes shut against the stinging tears.

She'd never had time to properly mourn Brigitte. If she died, she never would.

No. Nick will save me.

Finally, they stopped. Feet crunched against gravel as they approached the trunk. Seconds later, it opened, and blinding light caused Fae to blink. Finally, Lafayette's face came into focus. He smiled brightly.

"Well, well, my dear. It's good to see your pretty face again."

Fae began to tremble as she remembered the last time she'd seen him. "Where's Morgan?"

"Oh, your pretty little roommate? She's fine. I didn't put a mark on her, and I won't, as long as you don't give me any reason to."

"I want to see her." Fae's voice trembled.

"Oh, rest assured, you will be seeing her, but first, you have a punishment to endure."

"Punishment?" Fae's blood turned to ice.

"I can't let your previous escape go unpunished." Lafayette spoke calmly. "You need to be taught a lesson. I can't have you running off on me at every turn, now can I?"

"What kind of punishment is it?"

"Your adoptive mother would be familiar with it. Did she tell you what the guard did to those who betrayed us?"

Fae shook her head.

"Well, you're about to find out." Lafayette dragged Fae from the trunk. The edge scraped and bumped across her stomach and legs.

"Hey! I can get out on my—" Her words caught in her throat when she came face to face with a grizzly bear. He seemed to be glaring at her, but bears didn't glare.

Lafayette wasn't fazed by the enormous wild animal, but continued to drag her beyond the house and out to a forest.

She saw the old well a moment before he picked her up and dropped her into it. A scream tore from her throat as she plummeted down, her hands reaching out and brushing against the stone side on her descent. Pain exploded across her body as she slammed against the hard ground below.

Lights danced in her gaze as she turned her head up, attempting to draw a breath. Lafayette slid a metal grate over the hole. She could hear a drill in short bursts. He locked it down with bolts.

After several long moments, Fae finally started breathing again, and her panic turned to horror. She was trapped at the bottom of a well!

"Make yourself comfortable, Fae," Lafayette said. "You'll be down there for a while—I'd say at least as long as the days of freedom you've had."

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