Chapter 2

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Nick slouched down into the chair across from Anthony's desk.

"I've half a mind to rescind my offer," Anthony said, scowling down at him.

"What? You offered, and I accepted." Nick raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were desperate."

"And I'm sure you'll tell me that you accepting the job had nothing to do with the student you just met?"

Nick shrugged. "It's just coincidence."

"Right," Anthony said, drawing out the word. "How long has it been since you've seen a woman that beautiful?"

"She's not my type," Nick said.

"Not your type?" Anthony repeated, doubt ringing loudly in his voice.


"She'd better not be," Anthony said. "Because if I find out you're sleeping with her or any of your other students, I'll personally fire you and report the act to your superiors at the FBI. We have to maintain a professional environment, and that does not include fraternizing with the students."

"Understood," Nick said as he tried to wipe her face from his mind. It wasn't as easy as it seemed. Her eyes haunted him even now—that was one downside to having a photographic memory. Images tended to replay in his mind. Getting involved with that woman would not be good for his career. He could take or leave the teaching job, but the bureau was his life.

Despite knowing that he should turn down the job, he found himself filling out paperwork. About five minutes into it, his phone vibrated.

"Hey, Don," Nick said.

"Hey, back," Don said. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Young wants you to finish up the Petersen file and have it to her by ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Oh, yeah?" Nick frowned. "You might want to remind her about her recommendation for me to teach at a certain local college. Apparently, she said it would be good for public relations."

"You. Teach college?" Nick could hear the smile in Don's voice.

"Do you have an issue with that?"

Don laughed. "I knew you in college. You're the last person I'd ever picture teaching there."

"I graduated at the top of my class," Nick said.

"It's not the grades I'm talking about. I'm talking about your...behavior. Need I remind you what happened with the cheerleading squad?"

"Oh no, you just had to bring that up. I was young and I was drunk."

"Apparently not drunk enough."

"Oh, shut up." Nick rubbed his temples. A headache built behind his eyes. "Listen, I've got a lot of work to do. Lesson plans to make."

"You'd better add the Petersen file to your workload because Young wasn't kidding."

Nick swore. "Yeah, I'll have it to her by ten." He hung up and sighed. It looks like he'll need some coffee—about a gallon of it.

* * * * *

Nick walked into his classroom with papers under his arm and about an hour's worth of sleep under his belt. At least he finished the Petersen case. Perhaps he could actually get in a full eight hours tonight. Why did he even accept this job? It wasn't like he had lots of extra time.

Looking down at the class list, he wondered which name belonged to the girl from yesterday. They never did introduce themselves. No. He chided himself. She was a student taking a lower-level undergraduate class. Probably a freshman, barely out of high school—much too young for someone his age.

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