Chapter 2- Dinner with who?...

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~after school~

  The last bell finally rang meaning I get to go home and be anti social.

Cory, being the best friend he is, walked me home. As I was drinking my juice box ,yes I drink juice boxes big woop, the thought of new dude came in mind. I mean not to sound like a creep or anything but I feel like I know him.

"So what do you think?" Cory's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Huh whaaa?"

"i said..." And Cory starts gossiping yet I don't really care right now.

  After about 20 minutes, I reached my house. I thanked my best friend and got in, finding my mom and a tall, blonde lady. Call me weird but she seemed familiar too. My mind must be playing games with me. ughh...

"Hey honey, how was school?" my mom asked me while i drink some water.

"It was...good i guess.."I wasn't going to tell my mom about the whole Liz thing, I don't want her to get worried.

"Ohh wonderful. Do you remember Kate? My friend from college?" mom introduced. Even her name was familiar, I swear i know her from somewhere.

" sorry, it's nice to meet you."I apoligized with a smile, i feel bad now, dang it.

"It's ok darling." Kate said. "Oh Melissa, did you tell her yet?" She asked mom. Tell me what?

"Ohh right, I almost forget, honey Kate and her son Jordan are having dinner with us. Dress something formal-ish alright?" mom explained. I said 'yes' as i walkedup the stairs to my room.

  I passed by my brother's room when i heard him call me.

"Yea? What's up?" I asked.

"I saw what happened at school today..." Darren said. "...why won't you tell mom that you're being joked around?"

"Because! I don't want mom to be so worried. besides, I'm use to it, kinda. Anyway, is Summer coming for dinner too?" I asked hoping Summer will come.

  Summer is Darren's girlfriend and she is like an older sister to me. I tell her everythng and she helps through everything too. Darren helps me too but he picks on me too sometimes...meanie...

"Yea she is, she's on her way here."


My brother laughed at my childish behavior.

~few minutes later~

  While I was taking my shower, I couldn't help but wonder who this Jordan guy was I mean, do I know him? Does he go to my school? So many questions run through my head.

After the nice, warm shower, I changed into a strapless mint green dress with a pair of nude heels.   As soon as I was done with my drying my hair, the bell rang.

  I quickly walked down stairs,answered the door and there stood Jordan, a.k.a new dude. Well this will be interesting.


YAY I finally updated! Sorry for taking a long time but since it's new years, I've been spending time with my familly. :) Anyway I think this chapter was a bit boring, sorry about that, but next chapters wont be I promise!

-Unicorn .xx

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