Chapter 2 - ''This is a wasteland, my only retreat''

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I heard the car engine switch off. Knowing that we were at our destination, I didn't open my eyes because I didn't want to be here. I felt someone shake my arm lightly.

"Maddy we're here, wake up darling." My mum whispered into my ear and stroked my black silky hair.

In my head I rolled my eyes and began to 'wake up'; even though I was already fully awake and just had my eyes closed.

I stepped out the car without saying a word to my mum. I rarely spoke so I guess my whole family were used to it by now.

I looked around our holiday destination in disgust. How could anyone possibly enjoy camping? I wondered off down a dirt path, leaving my parents and May to unpack. I decided to leave them to do that because I knew I wouldn't be much help.

As I walked down the path I saw a lake rimmed with long green reeds at every bank. On this camping site there were 4 banks. With only one of then being monitored regularly for people to swim in. The other 3 were used for fishing or for docking small boats like canoes and rowing boats.

As I walked past the swimming bank I saw people smiling and talking to each other. There were little kids playing and splashing in the water. But something caught my eye amongst the crowd.

It was a teenaged boy. He was slightly tanned, his skin a perfect shade of golden brown. He had longish brown hair with a fringe that hovered just above his eyes. I couldn't see the colour of his eyes but I knew they must be beautiful.

As I stared down at the attractive male, I nearly walked into somebody who was walking along the path from the opposite direction.

I looked down at the ground and continued walking; images of the boy still in my head, causing me to grin.

I reached the end of the path which led to a low bridge. I walked across the bridge to the last bank. It was empty. The small wooden pier was slightly damaged but it looked safe to sit on.

I decided that this would be my place of escape. I would go here to not have to talk to people or have interact with them. I could just sit here alone and enjoy the silence.

I spent an hour just sitting on the pier under the evening sun. I dipped my fingers in the water and watched as it rippled away from me. I decided to lie down and look at my reflection in the water.

I hate my self. Nobody loves me or wants me here. Why am I even here? Everyone would just be better off without someone who doesn't speak and just weighs them down. I got angry and hit my reflection in the water. Large ripples destroying my image.

I stood up and decided to walk back to my family and see if they were done with unpacking.

When I reached our camping spot I saw 2 tents, a big 4 person tent and a smaller 3 person tent.

"Maddy, it's good you're back, dad and I decided that you might want to have a tent of your own, so here it is." My mum said and pointed towards the 3 person tent.

I was glad that I didn't have to share with the rest of my family. So I walked into the tent and inspected my new 'bed'. It was a double air mattress lined with lots of blankets. Thankfully, I was able to bring my fluffy double duvet and two pillows, which made me happy. I loved to sleep, if I could I would just lay in my bed forever.

It was beginning to get late so I brought my bag into my tent.

I brushed my teeth outside and entered into what I now called my home. I got changed into my pyjamas and was finally ready for bed. I wrapped myself in my duvet and fell asleep. The image of the unnamed boy replaying in my head.

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