Chapter 3 - '' I close my eyes, I can't stop thinking about you.''

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My tent became too hot and stuffy for me to manage, so I woke up and picked up my phone. It was 11 am, quite early for me, but the heat of the tent was too unbearable to sleep in any longer.

I zipped open my tent and breathed in the freshness of the air. The sun was warm and bright, glazing over the whole campsite. Maybe this camping trip wasn't that bad after all.

I got dressed into a band t shirt and some shorts. Before I left the tent I slipped on my red vans and plaited my hair into two plaits. I decided to leave my fringe out and to tie a folded, black and white bandana around my head.

"Maddy! Maddy! You're finally awake. Are you coming swimming with daddy, mummy and me?" May asked me excitedly while jumping up and down in her pink swim suit and her cute little flip flops.

"No thanks, maybe next time." I answered, but I knew that 'next time' I wouldn't be going swimming with my family. I didn't like wearing a swim suit or others looking at me while I'm wearing one. People would judge me and I'd feel even more self-conscious than I already do.

My family left to go swimming and I stayed and made breakfast. After I had eaten my pancakes I got my iPod and my headphones and decided to go to my pier. In my head I was secretly hoping to see the brown haired boy again.

After walking for a while, I reached my destination and was slightly upset that I didn't get to see the boy on my way here. I lay down on the pier and closed my eyes. I enjoyed being here alone, I had time to think and listen to my music.


I opened my eyes to be greeted by the moon and the stars. I didn't notice how beautiful they looked until now. I was so lost in my daydream that I didn't notice that it's night and my parents must be freaking out.

I quickly got up and ran across the small bridge then hurried along down the dirt path that would lead me back to my family. I was surprised that I knew my way around here in the dark, as I had only been here for 2 days.

I continued running down the path but was put to a halt when I had bumped into a tall, slim figure.

"Sorry" I heard the figure say quietly. I identified the voice to be belonging to a teenaged boy. He continued walking down the dirt path when I suddenly noticed that this was the boy who had caught my eye the day I got here.

I felt bad for not apologising for walking right into him, but I couldn't help it. Sometimes I even forget I have a voice. I just feel like I don't even know how to speak.

After awkwardly standing in the dark for the next 5 minutes I remembered I was rushing back to my parents.

As I approached the area where we had set up I saw my mother's and father's worried but disappointed faces.

"Madeleine! Where have you been all this time?! Your dad and I have been worried sick about you." My mother said with concern plastered on her face.

I acknowledged her concern and worry but all I did was reply with a shrug. I guess she knew she wouldn't get a verbal answer and just sighed.

"Just make sure that next time you tell us where and when you are going somewhere and when your going to be back, okay?" She said more calmly now.

I gave her a small nod and headed to my tent. Although I had slept through literally all of the day, I wanted to sleep and be able to dream of the boy I had bumped into on my way here. He seemed truly mysterious to me. Curiosity was taking over me and I had to know who this boy was.

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