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Cellphone rang. Same old song, same old ritual.

Waking up, eighteen, not a friend in the world, no path to walk on, no one to lead the way. Teen years were wasted time. School was never a priority. They didn't understand anyway. No one ever did. In between drugs and rock&roll, drunken nights and suicide, somewhere and nowhere, I lost myself. All of a sudden I was blowing eighteen candles and I didn't even see the previous 2 cakes. I went from having to ask to go to the bathroom to having the weight of the world on my shoulders way too fast. I guess we all did...

Alone, scared, naked, the world was pushing and like I was supposed to, I got a job I hated to pay the bills, just like we all did. Dreams are just dreams. Those can wait, bills won't.
I turned off the alarm. Got up, looked myself in the mirror, asked myself what's the point, why was I even trying... Then my second alarm rang. Time gives you a certain experience about misery. I shook it all off and put on the supermarket's outfit on.

The sun was just being born, the city's pure smell was about to be taken over by pollution, the temperature was low. I put on my leather jacket and went on, preparing myself for another mentally exhausting day.
By the entrance, I met my equally exhausted work partners.

-You start early, huh?-Artur commented, looking at the smoke coming out of my cigarette

-So do you-I gave him a soft smile and leaned against the door, waiting for the boss.

We were only kids inside. Standing there and just looking at them was painful. Seeing their hopeless eyes, the lost faith... It was the worst part of my days.

-I don't mean to annoy you but that will kill you one day-He insisted. Artur was this short, attractive boy. He had regular brown eyes and full pink lips. He used his hair as short as my patience. Sweet, caring, loving, annoying, repetitive, fuckboy.

-We're all gonna die one day.

-So why make your short life even shorter?

-So why waste your short time sticking your nose where you shouldn't?!-I looked him dead in the eyes. Mornings are no time to cross me. He stared back for some moments but then left

-I can't help you if you don't wanna be helped...

-You know, that saying doesn't apply to me kicking the crap out of you. If you don't sush that godforsaken mouth of yours, I'm gonna tear you to pieces either you want it or not!-He giggled a bit and went off to talk with other workers. His daily goal had been reached so soon in the morning.

Half an hour later, the boss arrived with the same look. We all knew he was gonna screw us all. His name was George. He was a short, fat, low life asshole. He was evil. Just pure evil! The only way to make him satisfied was to let him walk all over you. He was just a miserable piece of shit, low life scum.

-You're all late! Half an hour late! You're all gonna stay half an hour longer tonight-He said. A common sigh was heardable. I was still leaning against the door, having my third smoke-Move!- I turned my head to him and smoked the rest of cigarette, calmly, looking him straight in the eyes. Then I cleared my voice. Everybody was in dead silence, not even the flies dared to fly by.

-Shouldn't we say good morning first, boss?- I asked still motionless

-Sweetie, how much do you want your job? Move!- I gave him a little smile, wanting to break his neck.

-Its always a delightful conversation- I moved to the side and put my hands in my pockets. Artur caught my attention. He was looking at me with disappointment written in his eyes. I looked back and then he just lowered his head.

Everyone got in their places and ten minutes later we got our first costumers. I was told to stay in the back restoring products in their places. Not long after, Artur came to me but he didn't say anything. He just stood there, staring at me while I worked. It was getting annoying

-Yes? Lost something in my face?-I told him, pissed. He smiled a bit

-I was expecting you to say more

-About?- I pretended to not know

-I thought you were gonna give him a lesson. You changed... Back in time you'd have...

-Don't...-I interrupted him- I'm not the girl you dated back in highschool, Artur

-I've noticed... Its a shame though... She was way more interesting!

-Well... Shit happens- I left to have a smoke in the back of the building.

Our supermarket was close to our town's nightclubs area and the train station, therefore our morning costumers were mostly drunk teens and late people. The first can't hurry up and the last can't wait. Its always a big mess for the cashiers so I was kind of happy I was not assigned that job on that day.
I went back inside, to my work position.

-Excuse me?- A masculine voice asked. I was too busy trying to put this box of chips' bags in a shelf that was higher than me.

-Yes?- I answered without looking at him.

-Where can I find drinks?

-Just two corridors ahead-My answer was silence, like I wasn't used to it already. Then one of the bags fell off of the box- Fuck my life!- I whispered and finished putting the bags in place. When I turned to catch the rebel bag, I turned only to find a pair of hands already holding it. Slowly my eyes went up to see whose hands were those.

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