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Black pants, white sweater and a leather jacket. Large shoulders and army boots. Even though he was 3 steps away, I could smell his perfume as soon as I turned. Black hair, black eyes, short beard, pale red full lips. Bags under his eyes, cut on his eyebrow, big purple bruise. He had a strong, confident posture and a strict expression. My brain froze for a second, my body forgot out to move, my lungs forgot their only function. After what felt like eternity I was able to grab the bag from his hands, way too abruptly, almost like a robot. I was making a fool of myself.

-Rough night, huh?- I asked, almost whispering. All his intensity was making my bones turn under my skin but he just stared inside my soul, never losing posture. I'm pretty sure I was redder than a tomato. Then he lifted his right eyebrow a bit, intrigued but still silent. I looked down, moving the bag nervously in my hands, then looked back at him. His eyebrow went down again and his lips curved into a little half smile. Oh boy... Oh boy!

-I don't think rough applies to the case-He spoke calmly with his deep, whiskey voice and that little smile.

I just looked at him. I knew if I opened my mouth I'd embarrass myself. I was in no conditions to function after that! I gave him a nervous smile and turned to the shelf way too fast, another robotic movement. He walked away. As he was turning the corner, he stopped and looked back at me like he was gonna say something but I didn't have the guts to face him so I just kept working. He looked down and left. I had to sit and take a deep breath. Oh man!

In that night, when I got home and lied in bed, he crossed my thoughts and I couldn't help it but smile. I kept trying to find a reason to his every micro action. I kept trying to find a signal that my fairy tale was finally here... But deep down I knew a boy like him could never love a girl like me. Seconds later I had already lost all hope. I was already sure I wasn't the only one. All the eye contact and those expressions and body language, it was his seduction game with all girls.

My mind did the trick and I went from excited to exhausted, in tears, asking God why wasn't I good like the others, pretty like the others, hot like the others, lucky like the others.
Once again I went to sleep wishing I wouldn't wake up in the morning after, but soon the alarm was ringing again.

To my surprise, in the next day, my mood was different. Something about that boy made me glad to hear the cellphone's alarm. I was hoping to see him again but I knew if I didn't, it would be okay. Little did I know...

I got up and put on the same old outfit we were all forced to wear. With time, it lost its shine. Its colors were now washed up as if it was a thousand years old. Somehow that place would make us all feel like our uniforms: used, abused, washed up,old, hopeless... However, in that morning nothing could break my mood. I felt like I was 13 again, fangirling so hard.

I did my make up all nice and sweet, perfect eyeliner and red lips. Beautiful earrings and some fake curls on my hair. I was shining again.

Just like love, hope is a death sentence we choose to accept by free will.

I went to work, smiling like I hadn't in years. I could feel those little butterflies in my stomach... I was in dream land, freaking Narnia without the evil Queen! I was so excited to work, just imagining what's he'd say this time, what clothes he'd be wearing, just remembering his eyes, his smile, his voice, his way...

The mood among my coworkers was the same, but this time I didn't let their broken dreams affect me. Mine were so alive again. There was a fire in my chest, blood rushing fast, heart beating strong. Only one thing could break my mood... And I was so sure it wouldn't happen...

-Sam, good morning!-Artur came to my section-Boss said he wanted you on the yogurts. He told you to switch with Victoria.

-Sure. No problem!-I gave him a huge smile. He looked at me half confused, half scared.

-Hmm...-I totally caught him off guard-Whats the matter with you today?!- I smiled even more

-Nothing. I'm just happy-I went to where I was sent to. Artur remained motionless trying to find out what he'd do or say. -Vicky, I'm here, you can go, beautiful-I smiled. She raised one eyebrow but then smiled too. Its unbelievable how a compliment can make someone's day. She put her blonde hair back, winked one of her deep blue eyes and went off. She was absolutely beautiful. Her skin, pale and clear was to die for. She should be around 25. She was overweight but she had such confidence, her fat rolls were the last thing you'd notice. She was full of curves and it was beautiful.

The day went on nicely. I didn't have much work. It was a perfect day.

-Hey, Sam?-Artur came again- I think Vicky was looking for you.

-Oh, I'll be right there-I smiled, finished what I was doing and went to her, sweating fake confidence just in case he'd be around. And he was...

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