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I was standing a few steps away, observing that tragically beautiful scene while my head was flying at a thousand miles for hour. All of a sudden, I didn't feel like fighting anymore. I didn't want violence to be our way out... But I had a fire in my backyard and nothing else to fight it with but fire.

John's funeral was filled with people. It was nice to be there. I got to know some people I could count on in case of need. We wanted to make sure everybody knew a new leader was rising. We wanted everybody to know we were not going to tolerate disrespect no longer. We wanted our enemies to know we were planning on retaliating and we wouldn't play safe no more.

The funeral obviously ended with Claire accusing me of killing John. Thank God I had people with me when it happened. They could prove I was innocent...

Claire officially lost her mind. For her own safety, the whole group came together and convinced her to spend some time away from all the drama. We got her a really nice mental facility with big buildings and beautiful gardens... But losing her son and then her husband was too much for her and she just couldn't handle it. Danny was still alive but she'd talk of him as if he had died in that day... And it didn't last long until we had to bury her body too. I was fearing not for them, but for Danny...

-So!-Richard came to me.-What's the plan, kiddo? You can't back down now. Our leaders are dead...

-Why do I feel like everybody blames me for it?!

-Well... Maybe it's just your inner voice...

-Look here, you selfish prick! I never meant to kill John! I never meant to steal from him! I was just trying to get us all back on our feet!

-Then what the fuck are you doing?! It's been almost a month and they keep winning territory!

-I know what I'm doing, Richard. Trust me. I will not let you all down.

-Maybe you could share some of that wisdom  with us!-I sighted, pissed.

-Fine. Gather the troops. Tonight is the night we set our plan straight.-I answered and left.

Man, I had no idea what the hell I was doing. John had left the club in a very bad shape when it comes to our contacts. The police just wouldn't play our game anymore, we had no influence on courts, the whole system was out of our control. We had only a few allies which were already keeping us all fed. We were low on guns and gas. Our whole defense system was completely destroyed and there was little I could do...

I tried to explain the situation in that night but the news weren't taken that happily. I just... I had no idea what the hell I was gonna do but I had given my word to those guys. I had to find a way to get us back up.

Danny was slowly showing signs of recovering. His brain activity was getting more intense and responsive to stimulation which was probably the only good news I've had in a long time.

The only reason why I still hadn't done something was because of Danny... I knew he would want me to fight this without playing their dirty game but I was running out of options and when they attacked us one more time, I decided enough was enough. I was gonna get rid of the filth just like you get rid of garbage. You get it off of your home and pile it somewhere else. The boys weren't happy at all. It was against all the laws of the club but desperate times require radical solutions.

I departed a few of my man to sell the drugs we'd get out of those scumbags, who were now roaming our streets, somewhere far from our town. We started off hitting individual targets, drug dealers. Then as the money came in, we upgrated our gear and started going for labs and then quartels. No one could ever even think it was us because we'd kill everyone and burn down the place, leaving no clues, no leaks. However everybody gets caught some times...


Six months later we were back on our feet. I had a few men in jail, the rest weren't happy but we were slowly getting back what was ours.

-How's Danny?-Richard asked, slightly pissed off.

-He's doing fine...

-Does he remember anything?

-Not really... And that's how it's gonna stay!-I almost growled at him. He looked at Danny's jacket, which I was wearing and shook his head in disapproval.

Danny had woken up a month ago. Doctor said his memory had been affected. He barely even knew me. Being around him was painful. He didn't remember who he was, making me feel like I fell in love with someone who didn't exist anymore. I did love him with all my heart... Hell, I still do! But I was making him live a lie. He didn't know about his mom, about John, about the club... All he knew is that we met in highschool and have been together ever since. Maybe, when this was all over he could have a normal life... It is a stupid belief, but i did believe it and held onto it with teeth and nails.

I declared war to those bastards. It was a purifying flood but they were so many... They kept coming like rats! My men were tired... Fuck, they were exhausted! Their families were bein torn apart... I was tearing their families apart! We were so little and had to do so much that I demanded their constant presence in the club. For months those men ate and breathed the club. It was a priority to them and for that I am forever thankful. That's true loyalty! The true meaning of "Ride or die". As a leader, I was the only one to blame... And they did blame me but never for once I heard them complain! They never even considered leaving... I would have...

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