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It was hard hiding everything from Danny. I felt like I was playing him like a puppet but I had to pretend everything was alright.  Ten months ago I discovered I was having a baby. Man, I was so happy... It turned out to be a girl. Danny was over the moon. He was so excited and couldn't wait to have his baby girl in his hands. She was the product of all the love between me and him but also of all the lies. It was bittersweet. In one hand, I was having my baby and I was sure she would be so beautiful but I also knew she would have to grow in a world of lies and pain and I just couldn't... I just couldn't.

The situation between us and the rats was finally settled. I couldn't go and put myself under all the stress of possibly losing my baby if something went wrong so both parts came to an agreement. Half-half, 50-50. We gave them a part of our territory, which we called "the suburbs". They were allowed to sell their drugs and shit there but not on our side of the city. I was able to maintain the peace between us so far so I guess it was a reasonable deal. Then it all got worse...

-SAMANTHA! SAM!-Richard screamed and slammed my office's door open.-Run!-He had a look on his face like he had seen a ghost. I heard shots being fired outside. I was 7 months pregnant.

-Richard, what the fuck?-I got up and unjammed my gun.

-It's the cops!

-What?!-I put my gun away.-Shit!-I ran outside-HOLD YOUR FIRE! WHAT THE FUCK, GUYS?!-I opened my arms and looked at my men.-What the hell?! Have you guys forgotten they are on our side?! Have you forgotten what this club is all about?!

-Sam...-Richard put his hand on my shoulder.-They're taking you in...

-What?!- I looked at him confused. He pointed to the police chief.

-I think we need to have a little chat.-He told me, looking pissed as hell.

I took him to my office. I guess there was still a little bit of sympathy for our club from John's legacy because he did not take anyone in. He absolutely ignored all the gunfire outside. I guess he did like me a bit because he came to lay a warning on me. His legacy was coming to an end and he was getting retired in 3 months. He told me a new chief was rising, coming from another town which were bad, bad, terrible news. He told me he had ignored all the evidence against me but he couldn't erase them. I knew what it meant....


-I know you did it! I've got the evidence! I am going to destroy your little club, Miss Samantha. I hope you hear that loud and clear!-Mr. Smith told me, sitting in my office. He should be around 20 and had that cowboy vibe in him. He looked like he was taken out of one of those southern movies. I was about to pop my  baby by then.

-Is there anything I can do?-I asked him honestly. I was hoping he'd tell me his price... Everybody has got a price...

-You can wait. I am going to hunt you down until I get to the bottom and then I'm gonna throw everything at you. You and your men won't even know what hit them!-He laughed.

-Look, cowboy! I could get you killed by tomorrow but here I am trying to make a deal... Show some cooperation!- Deep down I knew he wouldn't give in.

-I've been wanting to catch you guys ever since I got in the army... I got you, Sam. I got you all! You all better start changing you name to Valley Recluses!

-C'mon... We're not on the same page here. You want to end the club? I can make it happen... But I can't let my men get hurt... All they did, I made them do. So you can bust my ass but I am asking you... Leave them out of this...-I asked him, honestly. I couldn't carry that burden on my shoulders too.

-And what are you willing to offer me, Sam?-He had a look on his face, like a kid with a new toy.

-What do you want from me, Smith?-I lighted up a cigarette. I stopped drinking ever since I found out I was pregnant but I just couldn't let go of the smokes.

-I want you in jail!

-Do you want me in jail or do you want me gone?

-Isn't it the same?

-No. You do know your whole station still has our back, right? We were partners for years! They won't just let go of the club like that because you joined the party.

-I don't care!

-And! Don't interrupt me, kid. I do know of your plans. Get me killed in jail... Sounds exciting but do you really wanna get your hands dirty?

-I won't, don't worry.

-Oh, you will... Because that ego of yours didn't allow you to keep your mouth shut! Many people know of your plan and if I get killed, I'm gonna drag you down with me! I swear I fucking will...-I kept my dead calm tone as he was starting to sweat. I threw away the smoke.-Now I do have a deal for you. We all win...


-She's beautiful, Sam!-Danny told me as they laid my baby girl over my chest.

She was indeed beautiful. I had never felt anything like that. It was pure, raw love. I had my baby in my arms and in that moment it was all that mattered but the second after, reality sank in. I had to enjoy every moment with her like it was my last because that one wasn't too far away. She had big grey eyes, that now have turned to a beautiful shade of brown and green. She had a little of black curly hair on top of her head and a perfect round nose like her dad. Her lips were also full and pink like her daddy's. I was crying my eyes out. My baby girl was always too good for this world...

-Kat...-I whispered.

-Say that again, hun.-Danny got his head closer to me to listen better.

-We're gonna name her Katniss...-I broke down into tears.

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