Chapter 4

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I didn't get much rest last night, if any. My eyes are puffy and red and I was congested from crying all night.

Exhausted, I forced myself out of bed, and sluggishly walked into the bathroom. I brushed my hair then put it in a bun because I am not in the mood today.

"Breakfast is ready," mom exclaimed. I walk out of the bathroom, and as I passed my bedroom, my light turned on. Shakily, I ask, "Hello?" No response. Trying to forget what happened, I ran downstairs, and I grabbed a plate of breakfast.

I grab my thing and start to walk out the door, only to realize I didn't change clothes. "This is gonna be a LONG day," I thought to myself. I ran upstairs and threw on a sweatshirt and jeans, and I walked out the door.

My body felt weak and heavy as I went to my locker; almost dragging myself from lack of sleep. With my head pounding, and I search my locker for Ibuprofen. I looked around to make sure there weren't any teachers, and I swallowed them without water.

I hated doing so. It was the worst feeling ever, almost a feeling of being choked for minutes after taking it.

I turned around and jumped at the unknown presence of Connor. "Sorry, babe, I didn't know you were behind me." I turned to my locker to shut it, then began to turn back around while saying, "I have to talk to y—," I stopped. I looked around for Connor, only to see an empty hallway. I decided it would be best if I just went to class as quickly as possible.

I sat down at my desk, and I was struck with the reality - again - that I still haven't told Connor the news. I don't know how I should tell him; I don't know if I can deal with doing it in person, but it would be better than receiving a text. Maybe I should just leave, and not tell him anything. No because I would feel horrible, and if that happened to me I would never forgive them. Then again guys usually aren't as emotional, if at all.

What is he gonna say when I tell him? Connor walked into class and sat by me. Scared, I told him what was going to happen. "And you don't know when or where?" I sighed and shook my head. "Mom said she hasn't decided. I know she's always wanted to live in Cali."

Cali. I bet that's where we will go. I could tell Connor was upset his mouth was ajar and he was staring at the tiles, tracing the patterns with his eyes, assumingely trying to process the information he has just been given. His eyes widen as a faint whisper slips from his lips "California."

He frantically said, "We... we won't work... will we?" My threat started burning as I tried not to cry. "Connor, I don't know yet. I hope that we do. work. Maybe we will live close to here. I don't know where we will go yet. I'll talk to her later. I love you, Connor."

The rest of the day was about as great as that morning; sluggish, stressful and sad. A more general conclusion; awful. It was probably one of the worst days I've ever had in my life. It hadn't even crossed my mind that Connor and I would break up. I assumed we'd have a long distance relationship, but clearly that was a one way street. "Think positive, Brynn. You don't even know what will happen," I tried to reassure myself.

I was so happy to be home, and away from the world. A place where I could curl up with a tub of ice cream and cry; which I am totally in the mood for, but I decided to wait until I know where we will go, and what will happen.

I sat and thought about what California would be like. It really didn't seem that bad— Liv. She wouldn't be there. I literally felt my heart ripping in pieces. Losing Connor and Olivia... I won't be able to function. It was then that I decided I will not leave without Liv. At least not to go as far as Cali.

I was laying down in my room when mom got home. "Honey! I got Chinese takeout because I was late getting home. Come eat!" I knew I needed to talk to her about moving, but how?

We were almost finished with our meal, and mom was about to clean off the table. I cleared my throat and said, "Mom?" She looked at me, assuring me that she was paying attention. "I need to know where we might move to. I was thinking about your love for Cali, and, mom, it sounds beautiful, but I can't live without Olivia. If we move far away she has to come, or I will cry every day and hate my life and myself." Mom looked down and nodded her head. All she said was, "We'll see."

I went up to my room to go to sleep. What was that supposed to mean? Has she wanted to go to Cali all along? I was going over and wondering the answers to so many unanswered questions I have when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Startled, I say "Come in!" Nobody answered or opened the door. "I said come in!"

That time my door opened and I was relieved to see Connor with flowers, Dr. Pepper, and a teddy bear. He sat by me and said, "I know you haven't been feeling well, so I had to get my girl something to cheer her up." He gave me a short, but sweet kiss. "What would I do without you," I asked him.

Cute chapter endings may not be a thing much longer. Stick around to find out the answer to many of Brynn's questions. Including what she'd do without Connor.

p.s. I fixed chapter one a bit bc it was a train wreck. Lots of love to everyone. please tell me your thoughts on the story ❤️

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