The Skeleton

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Frisk pushed the giant doors of the ruins open. She stepped outside and white snowflakes fell into her hair. Frisk shuffled in the crunchy snow. She saw a bridge in the distance and started to walk towards it. Behind her she could hear loud footsteps, but she brushed off the feeling that someone was following her. Then she heard a twig snap which made her jump and she started to walk faster.

Finally when she reached the bridge a dark illuminated figure stood behind her. Frisk whirled around and standing there was a skeleton with one hand in his right pants pocket. He had a lazy grin on his face with one single golden tooth. Frisk was carrying a stick she found on the path. The skeleton notices the stick Frisk was dragging in the thick snow. Flowey was fearfully ducked in Frisk sweater sleeve. Flowey quickly whispered in Frisk's ear.

"That's Sans, one of the most feared monsters in the Underground."

Frisk's gaze fell to the golden star necklace around Sans's neck. Immediately she knew what it was, a save point.

"What'cha got there Sweetheart?" Sans asks Frisk, looking at the stick.

Frisk said nothing and stared at the skeleton strangely. Sans extended his arm out towards Frisk and chuckles softly.

¨Don't'cha know how to greet a new pal?" Sans asks.

Frisk extended her arm, but then pulled back. She brushed her fingers across the golden star

dangling on his neck. She felt immediate DETERMINATION. Sans flinched and grabbed Frisk's arm. She cringed when she felt the iron grip on her arm. Sans loosens his grip as he gazes at Frisk's expression.

"Heh, sorry Sweetheart.... I didn't mean to hurt you," Sans smiled.

Sans extends his arm once more and Frisk grabs it. She felt a shock go through her body and she fell into the snow. Her clothes were getting damp from the snow melting from her body heat.

"Just kidding Sweetheart. Don't you know, in this world it's kill or be killed," Sans snickered.

Her soul shattered. She respawned and was facing the ruins doors, the star had worked. She whirled around before Sans could speak. His arm was extended to her again. Frisk trembled in fear and shook her head. Sans noticed another buttercup on Frisk's right palm. Frisk saw that Sans noticed another buttercup and she snapped her hand shut. She pulls Flowey close into her chest.

"Are you ok Frisk?" Flowey asks.

Sans interrupts Frisk's response shaking his head slightly.

"Kind of rude to leave a buddy hanging," Sans points out. He clicks his tongue... in his mouth.... (Whatever you call it). Sans grabs Frisk's arm and leads her towards the bridge. The bridge was wide enough for both of them to cross, but Frisk doesn't move at all.

"If you want to freeze out here Sweetheart, be my guest," Sans huffs.

She lets out a soft shudder and huddles with Flowey. Frisk takes careful steps as she walks through the pillars. She stands next to Sans and he lets out a sound of satisfaction. Sans continues to walk through the snow with Frisk trailing close behind.

"There's a town ahead, Snowdin. You headin there?" Sans asks.

"Just trying to get out."

"Out?" Sans echoes.

"Yup, just trying to get back home," Frisk huffs, pointing up.

"That's pretty ambitious, Sweetheart."

Sans stops in his tracks and Frisk does the same.

"With the monsters around here that's pretty hard."

Frisk shifts her weight, trembling slightly. Sans cocks his head to the side.

"Well my brother is a whole different story. He's a human hunting fanatic," Sans chuckles.

In the distance there is loud metallic stomping in the snow. Frisk's eyes widen and she squeezes Flowey, making him gasp for air. Frisk saw the red blur come closer and closer with every wide step.

"Good luck kid," Sans winks, "Papyrus isn't really the type of person for mercy."

Flowerfell (Sans x Frisk) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now