Chapter 10

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I sat down on the sofa. We'd just arrived at the penthouse and Jumin had ordered his chef to brew some Earl Grey tea for me. I sipped a little from the cup before Jumin sat down next to me.

"I don't know how this happened, Yoona," he said. "But I promise that I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Wh-Why me though?" I asked.

He only smiled and didn't do anything but smile before getting up, shrugging his coat on.

"I'm not telling you why," he said. "I've got to get back to the office. Assistant Kang will scream at me if I don't."

I watched him leave the penthouse and heard the door shut close. I sighed. Getting up, I went and explored his house for a bit.

His bed was in the living room, his kitchen not far, a bathroom near the corridor and just a small little basket that held Elizabeth.

After a few minutes passed, I opened my phone and checked the news website. The main topic was about Jumin, Sarah and I. If only they knew it was a lie.

"-- is she?! Where is that brat?!"

I heard someone burst into the penthouse and stood up. It was Sarah and Glam. I didn't know what was going on until Sarah came and slapped me in the face. A loud pang flew across the room as I felt my cheek sting furiously.

"How dare you!" she yelled. "You whore! Trying to trick Jumin into liking you!!"

I felt my eyes tear up as the pain on my cheek began to sting even more. I clenched my fists.

"I'm not," I seethed through my teeth. "You think I chose to be here??"

Sarah raised her hand to slap my cheek again before Glam stopped her. "Patience, sister," she said and Sarah lowered her hand. "We don't want to waste energy on her."

I bit my lip as I tried to hold back a retort. Why were they here? How did they know where Jumin lived?? I kept the questions bottled and heard the main door suddenly burst open. It was Jumin and he wasn't happy.

"What are you doing here," he managed to say calmly. Once he noticed the red mark on my cheek, he frowned and walked towards me.

"What happened, Yoona," he asked. "Did they do this to you?"

"I -- Well --"

I couldn't find the courage in me to tell them off. I wasn't a snitch. They misunderstood anyway. Jumin sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Ms Glam and Sarah Choi," said Jumin. "Barging into someone's home without consent is considered as trespassing. I could report you."

Sarah and Glam paled instantly. Jumin tugged me towards his body and wrapped his arm around me tightly.

"I won't, of course. On one condition," he looked at me. "Cancel the deal. I will marry Yoona."

My eyes widened and Sarah's jaw dropped. "Wh-What," she whimpered. "But it hasn't been five dates yet--"

"I don't need five dates to choose my bride," Jumin snapped. "Now if you may, I need to call my father and report back to him."

Glam was furious. "She must've blackmailed you! You have to choose my sister! You have to!"

Jumin frowned. "No, I do not, Ms Choi. I chose her on my own accord. Do not accuse Yoona."

Jumin was about to grab the home phone beside Sarah before she stopped him. "No!" she yelled. "Why her?! Why not me?! What's wrong with me?!"

Jumin tugged his arm away and picked the home phone up from it's place. "Nothing. I simply like Yoona more. I hope you find someone better."

Jumin started to dial Chairman Han and I watched as Glam chased after the Sarah who was running out the door, crying.

"Yes," I heard Jumin say. "Yes, I choose her. Thank you, Father."

He ended the call and smiled a genuine smile at me. "Why? Are you not happy?" he teased.

I was flustered. "I -- I mean, you -- I didn't really say that.."

Jumin's smile widened. How does a man look so handsome the way Jumin does?


"Congrats, Director!!"

Somehow word had got out to my hospital that I was to marry the heir of the C&R International company and everyone in my group had planned a surprise party for me at the end of the day.

"Aww, you guys.." I smiled at them and the presents they gave me. "You didn't really have to..."

They had given me all kinds of gifts. New stationery, different sets of clothing and high heels. Of course, I never wear high heels but they would be nice to have.

The party ended the moment I had to perform another surgery. It was a good way to end the day besides the fact that a few of the wealthy directors from the other departments -- females especially -- gave me death glares every time I passed by.


I heard someone call my name from behind me and turned around. Jumin was standing there in his normal suit and had Driver Kim standing beside him. I tilted my head in confusion and walked over to him.

"Hello, Jumin," I said. "Why are you here?"

He gave me a small box and a little card. "This is for you," he said. "I know you're busy right now so I won't bother you anymore. But if you don't mind, I'd like to have dinner with you."

"Dinner?" I checked my watch. It was half past ten. "Are you sure? I doubt restaurants are still open by now."

"I've booked one in my penthouse," he replied. "Come as soon as you finish your surgery."

Before he even gave me a chance to reply, he stalked off with Driver Kim following behind and I hurried over to the changing rooms to get changed before the surgery.


Sorry this one was a little short. I did promise two chapters (9 & 10) so here they are! ^^ Hope you all liked it.

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