Chapter 20

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I decided to update early. Partly because of last chapter's late update and partly because I am in a good mood today.




"So tired..."

I slumped myself down onto my chair and let it spin me around slowly. After marrying Jumin, life was good. Fantastic even.

Oh, who was I kidding.

Life hadn't changed except the fact that Jumin's cockiness had increased and the higher ups had decided to drown me in more work.

I heard a knock on my door and one of my colleagues bursted into my office, nearly knocking over the sign on my door.

"Director," he panted, trying to catch his breath. "I -- Your husband--"

I frowned. "What about him?"

When he caught his breath, he looked at me dead in the eye. "He's in the emergency ward."

I almost knocked over my chair as I stood up. I grabbed my lab coat and slipped on my tag hurriedly.

"Take me to him," was all I said as we both rushed towards the emergency department.

He took me to the ward, Jumin's name displayed on it's doors. I slided opened the door and saw Mom sitting next to Dad who was currently laughing with Jumin.

"Jumin!" I cried out.

I saw my parents spin their head towards my direction and Jumin paled slightly.

"Oh, dear," he sighed.

I stomped over to him. "What in the heavens did you do?" I groaned and grabbed his wrist, checking his pulse. It was fine.

I checked the pulse on his neck. It was fine too. I almost slumped down in relief.

"I'm fine, Yoona," he grinned.

"Fine? What do you mean, fine??" I scolded him. "What part of being in an emergency ward mean fine to you?!"

Mom and Dad looked at each other. "Well, we'll be going now," they said as they crept out the room.

As soon as I heard the door shut, I hit his arm. "Tell me what happened," I demanded.

Jumin's mouth didn't budge until Assistant Kang and V walked in.

"Jumin, are you alright?" asked V. "Oh. Hello, Yoona."

"Hi," I nodded before looking at what Jaehee had brought in. "What is this?"

"Work," she replied. "Mr Han told me to bring in the lists of --"

Jumin's eyes went wide. "Assistant Kang, don't --"

"-- the people that he suspects that were the cause of --"

"No, wait --"

"-- your amnesia."

I slowly turned around to look at Jumin and he wasn't looking at me in the eye. "Jumin," I sighed. "I've told you to let it go."

Jumin looked up at me. "I tried but it haunts me. I know who gave you the drug but I need proof. Let me do this, Yoona."

I hesitate. If Jumin does this, he could get hurt or worst of all killed. After all the people who gave me the drug obviously knew what they were doing.

"If you promise not to be reckless," I said. "Promise me you'll stop when things go wrong."

"Do not worry, Yoona," said Jaehee. "Mr Han will be careful. I will be helping him."

I sighed and nodded. "Thank you, Jaehee," I smiled before turning around to glare at my husband. "Just what did you do?"

"I --"

"Overwork," interrupted Jaehee. "Mr Han didn't rest enough and overworked himself."

I flicked my finger on his forehead. "I swear to god, Jumin. My lifespan is decreasing because of you! Jaehee, please take care of Jumin for me? Who knows what will happen to him when I'm gone."

After I checked his health status, I left Jumin in V and Jaehee's care before I returned back to my office.

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