Chapter One: The Beginning Of Clary's Adventure

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When I woke up, Bella called me. I picked up the phone and talked to her while getting dressed.

It will only be one sided.

“Yeah, no, I know, but when you tell me to do something, I'm e-mailing him right now." I told her after we greeted each other. “Well I don't know how quick he's gonna get back. 'Cause you know sometimes he doesn't check, so...yeah, and after the poetry reading, I'm not going home. I mean, it's my birthday, so I want to go to a club. No, Bella, I'm not going to lie to her." I said sighing. “I'm just not gonna tell her."

“So I'll just call, I guess, and get extra tickets." I said, when mom came in.

“Yeah she just got home. I'm sure she can hear you, she's standing right here. Uh, hey, Luke"

“How's it going, Clary?" he asked me.

“No, I'll get dressed quick." I told Bella before hanging up. I went into my room and got dressed. When I got out, I heard a sigh and saw that the notepad was empty.

“Did you just use the..."

“How are you feeling?" mom asked interrupting me. That was weird.

“Fine, why?"

“You make sure you come straight home tonight."

“Mom, come on. Just a poetry reading."

“I know.'

At the poetry reading

“Come my faux juggernaut,

my nefarious loins,

slather every protuberance with arid zeal,

agony, torment," said the poet.

I can't listen to this. You want another coffee?" Bella asked me.

Yeah'" I answered her back. Back to the poet, I thought after I heard Bella's order.

Like tiny crocus petals whisper death,

rain drowns the earth,

shivering breezes weave through a morbid tapestry of festering disease,

turgid to my torment"

“Here you go." Bella said giving me my coffee.

“Thanks." I politely told her. I was about to drink my coffee when I saw this sign on it. Everyone started to clap but I still didn't pay attention.

“Think he's getting worse. As his friend, you should probably tell him." I told Bella after the poetry reading was over.

“Maybe his poetry is great, we just don't know it yet." Bella said defensively. I just saw something to take my mind of the poetry reading.

“Hey, let's go in here.' I told her pointing at the club called pan demon ium.

“I want to know what that symbol means." I said looking at the symbol on the sign. Bella instantly started to protest. I swear she is a goody-to-shoes.

Such the eternal optimist. Just go with it for once." I said shutting her up.

“Hi. What does that symbol mean?" I asked the sincerity guard but, I had to leave it alone cause everyone was staring at me confused. But it doesn't matter though because we got through in to the club. We started to dance watching everyone else in curiosity. Bella kept whining, so I sent her to get me a drink. I saw this guy with electric blue eyes looking above me. He was looking at a girl who beckoned him over. I got curious so I looked through this glass wall. The guy started to run away but the girl used a whip to drag him back and her and a different guy helped hold him in place. What I saw scared me. Another guy with blonde hair came and killed him. I screamed bloody murder. They looked at me shocked so I grabbed Bella and ran out.

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