Chelsea's Smile [8]

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All I remembered from the car accident was my head slamming into something very hard and sharp pains all over my arms and where ever there was exposed skin. But other than those two things, all I remember was darkness; a cold, black darkness that felt as if I was falling down the rabbit hole. No dreams, no feeling except falling, it was all just darkness.

When I woke up, I prayed it was all just a dream, and that I was going to wake up and be home in bed, that none of the bullshit that had occurred never happened. But when I actually opened my eyes, I noticed I was in a strange room, one I did not recognize. The other thing I noticed was, Sander was walking around in just a pair of pants, rummaging through a drawer. He had little white scars surrounding his torso and his back. None looked new except for the one on his face from whatever could have done that.

When he caught my eye, noticing I was up, I looked down and away, blushing. That was when I saw my lavender hair was no longer lavender, and I was in different clothes than before. My hair was back to its original color of blond and it hung in loose curls. The outfit was outrageous; it was blue and see through, it came to only the top of my thighs and had weird shorts on under it and looked a lot like a dress you'd put on a baby doll. I fought the urge to wrap my arms around my body to hide all the little scars and such.

When Sander kissed me, my heart melted a little bit. I had been wanting to kiss him again since we left Sarah's house. As the kiss went on, his hands found their way, and rested on the top on my hips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was wrong of me to be making out with a guy I haven't known long, and that killed my parents, but I guess I was just stupid enough to fall in love so easily.

"Hey Katie?" Sander asked as the kiss ended to just smiles and cuddling.

"Hm?" I asked as I nuzzled his scar flecked, well muscled and warm chest. I was resting one hand on his chest like you would a pillow and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Would it be crazy to say, I've fallen for you already?" That simple phrase, just those few words, solidified what I was hoping to be true in my mind. Someone did want me, someone actually cared and that is all I ever asked for in my small, horror- ridden life.

"Not at all," I smiled up at him and pecked his lips as he smiled back. Eventually we fell asleep like that, wrapped up in each others arms like a couple of sleepy kittens.

When I woke up in the morning, Sander was gone. I started to panic, my heart seizing up, my chest tightening. My palms started to sweat as I noticed something from the shadows of the room move, and my breathing sped up. Last time I was alone in a room, my ex-boyfriend/ rapist kidnapped me and almost killed me. The shadow moved, detaching itself from the corner and drifted over to me, moving very slow, it's feet not touching the ground.

I screamed and covered my head, tears rolling down my cheeks as I threw my hands over my head. I could feel nothing but cold radiate off the monster as it hovered over me. Suddenly the door flew out and someone barked in a rough tone and language I didn't understand. The cold air disappeared from around me, but I still sat, shaking and cowering away from whatever it was.

"Katie, Katie, it's okay," Two gentle  hands held my arms, pulling them away from my face. I met Sanders' worried eyes as he gently rubbed my face, wiping off my tears. "Don't cry, calm down. It's alright Katie, The Keeper isn't going to hurt you," He spoke in a soft tone. A man with yellow eyes and slit pupils came over and knelt next the Sander.

"Ms. Kaitlynn, are you alright?" He sounded much older than he looked, but yet, not a wrinkle to his skin. He only looked maybe in his early twenties, mid-twenties at latest. When his lips parted I saw long, needle like teeth, nothing like Thompsons though.

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