Give Me A Try

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Leo Valdez's POV

The son of Hephaestus had been setting up the screen for watching.

The tan Latino repair boy was quite surprised when the ghost king had shown up at his bedroom. The fire starter had imagined that the death boy would have gone back to wherever it was he usually went.

Not that the overly hyper mechanic wanted the prince of the darkness to leave or anything. The elfish boy really didn't actually. He wanted to get to know Nico.

Leo looked up at Nico away from his laptop as he heard the compliment from the boy. Nico looked distracted so he probably didn't realize what he had said. Most people just got what they asked from Leo and that was that.

Not a lot of people actually complimented Leo's inventions. Nico would probably the last person he expected that from.

"Question," Leo spoke as he looked up his viewing website.

"Yeah?" Nico asked.

"Are we friends?" Leo questioned as his warm and calloused slender fingertips tapped along the keyboard.

"No," Nico answered.

Leo looked up with a childish pout on his lips as he felt a pang in his chest. Well, that had hurt his ego.

"Why not?" Leo asked.

"A few conversations does not win my friendship," Nico said with a scoff.

"Dang, guess that's my new objective," Leo spoke.

"Your what?" Nico asked.

"Objective. I'm going to be your friend whether you like it or not Di Angelo," Leo spoke.

"What if I don't want you to be?" Nico questioned.

Leo looked up at Nico with a look that said 'really.'

"Just wait," Leo spoke.

Before Nico could question him any further the other Demi-Gods walked into the viewing room.

The son of Poseidon had his arm around the daughter of Athena's shoulders as they sat down on the couch.

The daughter of Aphrodite giggled as the son of Jupiter told her something.

The daughter of Pluto and the son of Mars were discussing something.

Leo couldn't help but feel left out in the entire situation. He looked up at Nico and could tell by the look in his almost fully pitch black eyes that he was feeling the same.

"Hey, at least we can be the loners together," Leo said with a low chuckle.

"I didn't say anything," Nico mumbled.

"Well, you sure as heck looked like it," Leo replied. "Anyways, time for a vote. What movie genre?" Leo said as he looked towards the other members of the seven.

"Comedy!" Hazel and the wise girl shouted. Frank just pointed towards his girlfriend.

"I want to watch a horror film. Isn't there a new one that came out?" The seaweed brain spoke up.

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