Pep Talk.

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Here's a cute photo to make up for me giving you emotions.

Leo Valdez's POV

The son of Hephaestus watched in utter confusion as the slightly smaller boy walked out of the room.

"Styxing idiota," The tan Latino repair boy cursed as he leant against the wall of his control room.

(For those of you who don't know idiota is idiot in Spanish. I personally use it a lot so.)

The fire boy had just gotten the younger (older or however his time thingie in the Lotus Hotel worked) boy back and he had ruined it.

The overly hyper mechanic sat against the wall as he grabbed his iPod from his desk knowing that he wasn't going to find the ghost king if he didn't want to be found.

The elfish boy didn't know what had come over him. It was just that he saw the small prince of shadows again and even with his messy state Leo had missed him so much. He finally had a friend.

However, the prince of darkness had kissed him back right? He had also nodded when Leo asked if he could kiss him. So what gives? Leo didn't know.

He placed his music on shuffle as he put his headphones in each ear letting it lull him to sleep.


"Wake up!"

Leo heard a voice yelling at him as he sleepily opened one eye but it was too late as he got a bucket of water poured over his head.

He shot up like a rocket as he made sure his iPod was alright. Leo banged his head against the wall as he saw it sparking.

"You ruined my iPod!" Leo shouted in utter frustration.

"Can't you just fix it?" The person who poured freezing water on top of him spoke.

"Yeah, but that takes time," He argued before turning around to face his attacker.

The son of Jupiter pushed his glasses up on his nose with a nonchalant shrug.

"Piper sent me," The blonde super man said as he looked down at the floor of the control room with a confused expression gracing his features. "Uh, why is there blood on the ground?"

Leo was busy tinkering with his now broken iPod and when he was tinkering he tended to get distracted and would answer whatever you wanted him to all the while being brutally honest.

"Long story. Di Angelo showed up bloody from a monster attack. I gave him some ambrosia and he disappeared again," Leo explained as he tried to remove the wiring from inside of his electronic device.

"Nico showed up? To you? But he hasn't been here in a long while. Why would he show up here.." Jason trailed off.

Leo looked behind him just staring at him.

"Sorry man, I didn't mean to insult you or anything," Jason said.

"Whatever," Leo turned back to focus on his work. "How many times have I told Piper. My answer was final, I will not go to prom with her."

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