Slipping From Sanity

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Third Person POV

Zero cried out as he was taken into the building, words hitting Kaname hard. He stood, and swallowed the lump in his throat, as he walked away from his car, and walked up to the building. Tears threatened to spill as he felt regret for his actions. He knew this is what Zero needed.

Zero's POV

I can believe he threw me in here like that. A week. It's been a whole week. He didn't even say goodbye. He just threw me in a cell like I was a pet.

You are a pet. Kaname's pet. He's using you. He doesn't care about you. He never did.

I refuse to listen to those voices in my head. Even though Kaname threw me in here, I miss him. It's irrational, but I do. Yet, at the same time I hate him.

I hate this place. The food sucks, the "doctors" are bitchy and don't care about us, they force pills down our throats, and when I try to sleep I can't, because there's always screaming. Always. I want-no, I have to get out of here.

Kaname's POV

A week later I was standing in front of the mental asylum, with a book and some sweets in my hands. I was worried for Zero. Has he changed? Is he better? Is he worse?

Everyone stared at me as I walked up to the receptionist.

"I'm here to visit Zero Kiryu." I said monotonously.

She old me the room number and waved a security guard to lead me to the room.

"I'm warning you, he's not in the best of moods," the security guard spoke up.

He opened the door and gave me a button to click just in case.

"Hello Zero," I spoke softly, as I stepped towards the silverette slowly. Zero's eyes watching my every move.

"What do you want?" he hissed.

"I promised you I would visit," I said as he scowled at me.

"Why would I want a visit from the person who put me threw so much agony, not to mention the one who put me in this god damn place?" he said coldly, his eyes flickering red from starvation and anger. It was obvious he was starving himself; from his eyes, to the plates on the floor with untouched food.

"Why aren't you eating?" I question, grabbing Zero's chin.

"I-I'm not hungry...." he stuttered slightly.

"Zero, please eat, for me?" I plead.

"For you! Ha! Like you put me in this damned place for yourself!"

I stumble backwards, surprised by his sudden outburst. To be honest, that stung a lot.

"Zero, I'm-"

"Just go!" he shouts, cutting me off.

I put the things I got him on the ground, lock the door, and leave this place.

That definitely didn't go as I planned. Maybe he is right. Maybe my selfishness did put him in that place. I brush it off for now, start my car, and head back to the headmaster's to report the news.

Zero's POV

What's happening to me? What am I becoming?

I knew that the Zero that existed before coming to this place would've never snapped at Kaname like that. He was too in love with him. Coming here made me realize I didn't need love-that it was stupid. I didn't need love, and I definitely don't need Kaname. I lie down and fall asleep.

Kaname's POV

After explaining Zero's condition to the headmaster, I go to lie down. Zero is right. That was selfish of me for doing that to him. I just wanted to keep him safe.

Zero's POV

I sit in the corner rocking back and forth. Piles of untouched food lay by the door. I can feel myself slowly slipping. I try to grasp on reality and sanity as hard as I can, but as soon as I touch them, they fall from my reach. I don't think about Kaname anymore. I've even lost track of how many days I've been in this hell. I fear I've lost all hope.

I hear someone scream in the distance and chills roll down my spine. A knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts. A fairly tall male comes in and sits on a chair.

"My name is Dr. Marvick,"  he introduces, and I grunt in response.

"How are you feeling today, Zero?" he asks and I ignore him. How do you think I feel, asshole? I'm stuck in a damn mental asylum. Freakin' peachy.

"Zero, I want you to take these," he says handing me two blue pills, "it's Zoloft, it helps with depression."

I snatch them out of his hands and swallow them dry. I've learned it's better to do what they tell you than to face the consequences.

"I'll see you tomorrow Zero," he says and leaves, locking the door behind him. Great, now I'm all alone.

I go back into my corner, squat down, and start to drift off.

I hear the light pitter-patter of someone's shoes connecting with the concrete of this asylum. As the footsteps get louder, I stand up and cautiously move out of the corner. My eyes widen in shock as I see Kaname in front of me.

"You're pathetic, worthless. I didn't need you, that's why I left you here. I wish you would've been successful one of the times you tried to kill yourself," he says and I feel tears sting my eyes.

"Go away!" I scream.

He turns away, laughs maniacally, and finally leaves.

I awake, jumping back and hitting my head on the wall. I'm sweating and shaking. I stand up and go to the place Kaname was in my dream. Dream. It felt so real. That's when I decide I'm going to make Kaname regret his decision to put me in here.
I'm so sry guys that it took so long. Ive was rly busy w j starting high school and some self issues and I kinda forgot ab this. I want to thank Bearded_Turnips for helping write some of this and for being so kind and understanding.

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