Melbourne Mental Asylum

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Zero's POV

I grab my blade, but as soon as I lift it up I hear someone coming behind me. I put my blade back into my pocket quickly. It's Kaname. Great.

"Zero, I need you to come with me, I'm gonna take you somewhere," he said.

I reluctantly stand up and walk towards him. He grabs my hand and ushers me to a car. He puts the key in and the engine purrs. He starts to drive, and doesn't say anything.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see." Is all I get for a response.

He drove for a while and when I look through the window, I see we stopped in front of a sign that reads. Melbourne Mental Asylum. My heart speeds up and I start panicking. He betrayed me. I thought he cared about me. I can't believe he did this to me. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the car door opens.

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