Chapter 2- The Orphaned Child

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Everything went up in flames, he has nothing he hadn't left with. The police found me sunk against a wall with a bloody hand.

"Boy are you alright, do you need help." asked the cop reaching for me

"Don't touch me." I say in a hushed voice

"What was that"

"DON'T TOUCH ME" The words came out as hot as the fire had been moments before.

The cop brings over a younger coworker to try to calm me down and find out who I am. A young red headed woman walks over, no older than twenty-five, to talk to me. I try to get up and walk away,I just want to be alone, but as I stood up I felt the pain of where my foot collided with a wall earlier. Unable to get up I sit, despising having to talk at the moment.

"Hey there, care if I sit?"

"Might as well, you'll try anyways."

She takes a seat against the wall beside him.

"What do you want."

"I was wondering if you wanted help with your hand and from the looks of it your foot."

"I don't want help, I want my parents."

No words come from the young lady for a moment

"I lost my parents when I was young too, they were killed in a car accident. They said the person driving the other car was drinking and driving. Killed them instantly."

"Oh, i'm sorry"

"Eh, it's too late now to be sorry, besides it wasn't your fault. could of been I can smell the alcohol on you."

I lean over to smell my clothes, smoke and vodka, you could smell it and it was strong.

"Don't worry I wont say anything, you've had a rough night, worse the others id say"

"Can I be alone for a moment"


She gets up and walks off. This is my chance. I hop up despite my pain in my foot and take off while her back is turned. Thought run through my head. "Where am I going to go, I have no other family. Ty. He'll let me stay with him, I make my way to his house avoiding any chances of being caught by the police. I make it to the steps of his porch and the door flies open with a slender woman of 33 running to me followed by Ty.

"Colten what happened"

"Yeah I just left you"

I finally break down into tears as Ty and his mother listen to my story. I think to myself of when the last time I had cried in front of people. It doesn't matter I tell myself. Molly, Ty's mother, and Ty helps me into their home. Me and Ty take a seat in the couch as Molly yells for her daughter to come downstairs. Emma, a junior at my school comes running down the stairs. Her skin tone is the same as her brother's, but her hair had no trace of blonde, it was as white as freshly fallen snow on a late winter night, she must've been about to go to sleep she had pajamas on. She takes one look at me and knows what she has to do, this isn't the first time i've ended up at Ty's house with a bloodied up hand. She comes back and starts wrapping my hand and packing it with ice. As she reenters the kitchen I can hear Molly explaining what had happened.

Emma came walking back in fighting back tears, she had loved my parents almost as much as I had, she use to walk up every weekend when I'd come down to see Ty and have tea and cookies with my mother. Now here she is, all pale colors, 5 foot four, eyes so orange they looked like drops of liquid gold, with tears streaming down from them.The rest of the night is a blur of events from me being gave the spare room to Molly forcing me to eat something so I wouldn't be hungry. My second mother. Id spent so many nights in the spare room before it felt like my own, but tonight it felt like a place I had never seen in my life before.

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